Peter the Wolf and MJ of the Sky People

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No Avengers. Roughly based on the tv show, The 100. Go watch it if you never seen it. 

It's been nearly one hundred years since the last World War, causing severe devastation caused by Nuclear weapons. Nearly seven billion people died, and those that survived were hard-pressed to survive. The Radiation caused Mutations but those with Mutations were banished or killed to help keep them from happening again later on in the bloodline.

I was one of the banished but my Mutation isn't one you can see with your physical eyes. I don't have a deformed hand, an extra eye or a disease that eats away at my skin. No, my Mutation is different. My Mutation causes me to transform into a Wolf. The transformation used to be painful because I could only change on nights of the full moon, but now it doesn't hurt and I can control when I shift. A plus side of my Mutation, I can go towards the old Nuclear Power Plants and keep them stable with help from some workers who have been keeping the plants stable since the War.

Not everyone agrees that I should have been banished because of my Mutation. They thought my Mutation would have been helpful to my Clan on keeping us safe from the other Clans and for hunting. The ones that disagreed with my Banishment, they are still friendly to me and help me so in return I help them get a little bit extra food and pelts to be worn. The ones that are friendly with me, have nicknamed me Pakkru Shila, the Wolf Protector. Others call me by my given name, Peter.

I used to live with my Aunt and Uncle after my parents died while hunting, but I lost my Aunt and Uncle when the village was attacked by another Clan. That's when my Mutation was seen and where they banished me.

Living in the woods and carefully staying hidden from my people who hated me was normal for me to do, until one day people fell from the sky. When I saw that machine fall from the sky, I immediately stopped hunting and started to carefully make my way towards it only to run into Lincoln. I carefully snorted, gaining his attention. He nodded at me.

"Help me get a closer look?" He asked and I nodded before we started running through the woods until we got a good distance away, for it the machine to open. I shifted back and took a pelt off his side to cover myself with.

"Can you hear them?" Lincoln asked me softly and I nodded making him fall silent.

"We're back bitches!" Two girls yelled once they were on the ground and I heard Lincoln's heart pick up some making me glance at him then roll my eyes. I turned my attention back before my head snapped behind us at the sounds of several people.

"Go," Lincoln whispered and I gave him back his pelt.

"I'll meet with you later," I whispered making him nod before I took off running, shifting until I was back on all fours. I ran all the way back to my hidden house, that I made sure no one could find. I pulled on some clothes before heading to bed. When I woke up, I made my way to Lincoln's cave and entered to see him sketching in his notebook.

"They're not going to survive without help with how they are acting," He said.

"They've never been on the ground before, they are excited," I said.

"They are still going to die. They have no survival skills and they might be attacked."

"They'll adapt and learn," I said and he finally looked at me.

"You preparing for your trip?" he asked.

"I'm leaving before first light. Do you wish for me to bring you anything?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No," he said and I nodded.

"May we meet again," he said.

"May we meet again," I said back before I left. 

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