Ex-Avenger meets Peter, part 2

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It had been two weeks since, I meet the Ex-Avengers, when FRIDAY sent an alert to Karen letting me know that the Ganali device was being transported to the compound. 

"Thanks, KAREN!" I said as I started to swing my way towards the caravan. It took me two hours but I got to the caravan, where I jumped onto the roof of one of the cars, where I got connected to their comms thanks to Karen.

"Spider-Man, that you?" One of the guards asked.

"Ya, it's me. Hope you don't mind, I hitch a ride."

"Not at all. We'll take it from here, and you take it from there."

"You got it!" I said before I carefully sat down, but still stuck to the roof. Karen continued to scan while I searched, causing a quiet trip for the next hour an a half. 

"Peter, there's several people coming up from underground. I estimate two minutes." Karen said and I cursed before lightly hitting the roof of the car. 

"What's up, Spider-Man?"

"We've got incoming, two minutes. Slow down, and prepare yourselves." I said before I stood up some. 

"One hundred meter's." KAREN said. 

"Thanks, Karen." I said as I watched the ground be drilled open from the ground up, before I launched myself at the drill. 

"Karen, any more up ahead?"

"Negative, I'm not sensing anything for the next five miles in any direction. 

"Perfect, tell them to hurry up and get around this, and I'll catch up." I said before I started to fight. It took me five minutes, before I got them all webbed up, with their weapons away from their reach. 

"Police, estimated three minutes out, along with a clean up crew, curtsy of Mr. Stark." Karen said.

"Thanks, Karen." I said before I quickly start to sling back to the caravan, where I dropped back onto the roof of the same car as before.

"You good, Spider-Man?"

"I'm fine. Keep going as planned. I'm not allowing anyone but Mr. Stark get this device." I said.

"You heard, Spider-Man boys. Let's get this to the compound in one piece." I heard and I stayed ready for a fight for several miles, when I saw a marked truck heading my way. 

"KAREN, zoom in on that truck, and tell me what it reads."

"Sabel International." KAREN said as I watched as someone with silver hair climb out of the window of the truck, before I saw that, that the said person was a chick, that jumped onto the top of the transport truck. 

"Damn it." I said before I quickly followed here led, so I was facing her. 

"Lady, I'm gonna ask you nicely to leave." I said.

"Not going to happen, Spider. I've been hired to take this back to Oscorp. Now get out of my way." She said and I noted her thick accent.

"Oscorp? No, this is now property of Tony Stark." I said.

"It was built by Oscorp. Stark doesn't deserve this." She said before she started to attack me. I carefully duck dodged and weaved, until I was able to carefully tackle her off the truck, taking the brute of the land onto the ground. 

"Get that device to Stark, now!" I ordered them caravan and they sped off, just a bit quicker.

"I've already alert, Mr. Stark and he's sending Hawkeye, Black Widow and Falcon to make sure the transport arrivers quicker. Mr. Stark says, you are doing great so far." KAREN said. 

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