Stabbed, law suit, Prom and Graduation

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This one is a sequal of sorts of Field Trip and a Black Eye. Still female Penny and male MJ. 

 I groaned when I heard my alarm go off in the morning, but I shut it off, quickly as i laid in my bed, slowly waking up.

"Good morning, Penny. It is currently six degree Celsius, and it's expected to be a high of sixteen, with a fifty percent chance of rain, before school should end. BOSS Uncle, Mother Spider, and Capsicle are currently in the kitchen fixing breakfast for everyone. Your Aunt has just went to bed, from working the graveyard shift, but wishes for you to have a good day at school. Mr. Barnes is in the lab with BOSS, getting his arm checked out after Katniss planted a glitter bomb. Happy will be driving you to school, as Harley is sick." FRIDAY said and I let out a humming noise.

"Good morning, FRI." I said as I slowly sat up. After a few moments, I got out and headed to the shower.

"Morning, guys." I said once I got to the kitchen.

"Good morning! Fantastic work on taking down that Gang last night." Steve said.

"Thanks, Steve." I said before Uncle Rhodes slid me a Frappuccino smoothie with a wink, making me hide a snort, before Мама Паук handed me my food. I thanked her before I started eating.

"So, when do you get your year books? I'm highly curious as to what you put as your quote?" Мама Паук asked me.

"We should be getting them by the end of the week." I said and she nodded, then looked down at my pants.

"Do. Do those say,

"It does and I'm not changing. Plus, I happen to love the movie." I said and she let out a slight laugh, as she shook her head. I quickly finished eating, grabbed my bag and stood up.

"Bye, guys!" I said as I started to leave.

"Bye! Make sure you grab your brothers work, if he has any!" Uncle Rhodes yelled and I shouted back my okay, before I was in the elevator.

"Morning, Happy!" I said.

"Morning, Kid. How's Harley?"

"Still sick."

"Ew. Come on, get in the car." Happy said and I snickered but did, where I talked about how I couldn't wait for Prom, since we were done with our exams.

"Ya, MJ asked you to Prom, yet?"

"Yep! MJ knows I don't like big fancy things, so I asked me when we went to the cafe. Mom, Aunt May, Betty, Sami and I are going dress shopping soon." I said.

"That's nice." Happy said before we fell into a comfterable silence, until he got to the street that was a straightway to school only for it to be blocked by an accident, which made Happy, Not-Happy.

"It's not that far of a walk, now. I'll walk the rest of the way." I said as I grabbed my stuff.

"I don't know, Penny."

"I'll be fine. I'll text you, as soon as I walk through the gate onto school property." I said.

"You better, or I'll have your father send out the suits, young lady!" Happy called out as I got out. I waved goodbye, before jogging to the sidewalk, where I quickly started walking to school. I was almost on school grounds, when my spidey-sense picked up on some danger. I turned some but didn't see anyone, but I quickly walked a bit faster, where I saw MJ.

"MJ! Wait up!" I called out, and he slowed down, before coming to a stop out of the way. I had one foot through the entrance gate, when my Spider-sense went nuts, and I saw a shadow behind me. I turned and saw a flash of knife, which forced a scream out of my mouth, before I barely had time to turn just enough to avoid being stabbed in the heart.

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