Interns. Your our Kid. Did you forgive yourself?

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"No, mommy please don't go! I'll be good! I'm sorry! Please, I'll be good!" I cried as she packed my bag but she didn't even look at me. I kept crying as she continued to pack my bag until she grabbed me. She half carried half dragged me out of the house until we arrived at Aunt May and Uncle Ben's where she knocked and just left me.

"Penny," Aunt May whispered before she picked me up where I cried into her neck.

It took me a few years but I got over the fact that my own mother abandoned me just because my father died.

I grew looking up to Tony Stark even before he became Iron Man. Even when he used to create weapons, but I focused more on the good his company did. How it ran on reactor energy and the fact that his company did donate a lot of money to the Wounded Vets before he stopped making weapons. How Stark Industries was going to create more green energy for everyone, how they were going to focus on creating a greener earth.

I was ten when Uncle Ben was killed while on duty. It was hard on Aunt May and I. We had to move to a small apartment and she had to work a lot more as we both grieved and tried to pay for the bills. I was fourteen when she died of heart disease making me be moved into the System. The only thing keeping me sane was my friendship with Ned and MJ. Shortly after May died, I was bitten by a Spider and somehow ended up with powers, so I made myself a suit and became Spider-Woman.

"Penny! Wake up!" I heard and I groaned and muttered a few curses but got up. I stumbled around my shared room as I got my clothes before I took a shower. I put on some light makeup and did my hair before I grabbed my book bag and left. I helped one of the older kids finish up breakfast before sitting down and scarfing it down after giving some of the younger kids my food, as I read one of Dr. Banner's books until I left for school.

"Do we have Decathalon today?" I asked MJ when I walked up to her when we were almost to school.

"Nope. You okay?"

"I'm starving. There are some money issues and even though I ate I still gave some of my food to the younger kids," I said.


"I know it was stupid considering my situation but I'll be fine," I said and she frowned. She and Ned were the only ones who knew I was Spider-Woman. How I needed a lot of food but how I was also putting others before myself.

"We really need to find a way to accommodate for your calorie intake," she said.

"Look the three of us can hit the drawing boards later,"

"We are but I'm not satisfied with that. We still have time," She said before she grabbed my hand and pulled out her phone. A few minutes later, she slammed down ten bucks.

"Use the leftover of this to help pay for the next homeless person," She said to the cafe worker, Simon.

"Will do, Jones. Hi, Penny,"

"Hi, Simon," I said before he handed me the breakfast sandwich, a smoothie and a cup of tea for MJ.

"Leftover is three dollars less for the next homeless person to pay for. You two go ahead and head on out. Learn something new," He said.

"Thanks, Simon!" MJ said as she pulled me out. I managed to send Simon a smile before we were gone. I listened to MJ talk about her current book she was reading as I ate until we got to school.


"For now. I'll pay you back,"

"Don't worry about it. I. No. We need you alive. Not just for our group but they need you as well and you can't be what they need without strength. Now enough sappy bullshit, we have to hurry or we'll be late," She said and I grinned at her some before we made our way through the halls.

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