Star Wars Panic, Family Bonding and Heirs of Stark Industries

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This one shot was regested by @federicamolinelli. I never forgot to do your one shot, I promise, I just had a difficult time putting this one together, because I didn't want it to be to short, or just plan out sucky. So I appologize for the long wait, for your story, but I hope it's worth it.

Also, just found out my this book is eligible for the Watty Awards, for this year. SHould I enter this book or nah? Anyway, enough of me blabbing and the like. ON TO THE STORY! 

I woke up to my alarm and Aunt May knocking on my door.

"Peter, it's time to get up for school. Make sure, you eat one of your protein bars, and breakfast. Lock up, when you leave, because I have to head out for work. Call me, if you need anything."

"I'm up and I will, Aunt May."

"Okay. I larb you, Peter."

"I larb you too, Aunt May." I said before I heard her walk away and out the apartment, while I got ready for school, where I grabbed my phone to see a text from Pepper, asking if I was still going to be over this weekend.

"Ya, I'm still going this weekend. Is Harley coming, or did he get stuck with exams?"

"Exams. He's staying the whole summer though, so you two can work together in the lab, and spend time with Morgan. She loves having two older brothers and two scary alien sisters. Tony's doing fine. He's still asleep."

"Okay. He getting around okay, with just the one arm?"

"It's taking him awhile, but he is. I'm so glad, Thor and Carol took most of the energy from the gauntlet, so Tony could live."

"I am too. Would he get mad, if Harley and I get together with Shuri to design him a new one?"

"I think he would cry. I'll go ahead and set up the video meeting for three days from today."

"Thanks, Pepper."

"You're welcome. Now, hurry up and eat, then go to school. We'll know otherwise."

"Yes ma'am." I typed and finished getting ready, before eating and leaving. I made sure the door was locked, before waving at my neighbor, as I walked down the hall.

"Have a good day, Peter!"

"You too, ma'am!" I said with a smile, before I put my sunglasses on, and my headphones in my ears as I walked out my apartment building.

I ignored Flash once I got to school, and headed straight for my locker, where I started to put my combination when Ned walked up. I nodded at him, as he carefully took on of my headphones out.

"Hey, Pete!" he said before we did our handshake.

"What's today's schedule looking like?" I asked.

"Mostly study hall."

"Ew." I said making him snicker before he started talking about some new game that was coming out, until MJ walked up.

"Sup, Losers."

"Hey, MJ. Ned's just talking about some new video game he's excited to play."

"Hm, nerd."

"Anything you excited for, MJ?" I asked.

"Actually, yes. The next instalment to a book series I've been reading comes out, this weekend."

"Oh. Exciting."

"Indeed. What about you, Peter?" She asked me.

"I'm going to the lake house. Spend time with Mo, spend some time with Tony is the lab. Work on a new project for him." I said and they both nodded.

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