Peter's Heart

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In this story. Peter, and MJ aren't friends since MJ doesn't attend Midtown, but don't worry. MJ will be introduced in the story soon. Also, Tony and Pepper are married with an adorable little girl, who loves her big brother. I also love the idea that Peter only speaks Spanish or Italian when he's truly heartbroken or wants to talk shit, so ya. Have at this. 

"Peter, don't forget I'm working late tonight. Don't stay out to late on your date with Ally, or as Spider-Man." Aunt May said when I stumbled in after spending almost all night working on my English project. 

"I won't. Besides, I'm fixing to head out to Tony's to watch Morgan for a couple hours while they attend a lunch meeting." I said as I grabbed the orange juice. 

"Give Morgan a big old hug and a kiss for me and that I'll see her soon. Oh and tell Pepper, I've got some wine we can have when she needs a break." Aunt May said and I let out a small laugh.

"Alright. I will." I said as I started to fix me some breakfast.

"Are you okay?"

"Ya. A bit tired, but I finished my English project. Who in their right mind says that two essays and write part of the book in modern times is a great idea for a project is bloody insane and I want to let Pepper have a stern talking to." I muttered making Aunt May laugh before she pressed a kiss to the side of my head that she could reach.

"Calm down, Pete. Your porject will be fine. Now eat, shower, change and go see your little sister." She said.

"Yes ma'am." I said and then I fucked the dish towel she threw at me making me laugh as she muttered about my sixth sense in Italian. I quickly ate, showered and was out of the door after kissing Aunt May bye. I had just got outside my apartment complex when Happy pulled up.

"You sure you don't have a sixth sense on when I'm about to ride the subway over?" I asked.

"No. But Tony pretty much does. Hope on in, Kid." He said and I got in to the front seat. Two years ago, Happy would have kicked me into the back, but we were fine now. 

"Any plans for today after family time?" Happy asked.

"Yes. I've got a date with Ally later."

"Ya? Where you going?"

"Ned took Betty to this cafe Brooklyn, said it was really good and that it should help me to hide my never ending metabalism from Ally." I said.

"Cool." Happy said and I changed the subject to his side until we fell into a comfterable silence until we go to the tower, that Tony bought back after no one else knew what to do with the Arc Reactor. 

"See ya, Kid." Happy said.

"Thanks, Happy. Tell your mom, I hope she recovers from her knee surgery." I said and he nodded before I was out and heading to the front door. 

"Hey, hey, Peter!" I heard a few people say.

"Hey, guys." I said before I sat my hand on the biomatrics scanner. 

"Welcome back, Peter. BOSS, BOSS Lady, and Little BOSS are waiting for you in the penthouse." FRIDAY said.

"Thanks, FRIDAY." I said just as Leah a security guard smiled and flipped me off. Leah was like that cool cousin you could talk to about anything. 

"Welcome back to your second home, Pete." She said and I chuckled some.

"Ya, thanks Leah. How'd your anniversery date with Nikki go?" I asked her as I followed her to the elevators since it was in her route.

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