Told you I worked here

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I was helping Tony in his lab, when I heard a paper rustle.

"Hey, Kid. What's this?" he asked and I turned around to see him holding up the field trip form, that was to here.

"Oh. It's a field trip form, to here, the tower." I said. Tony rebought the tower, after no one knew what to do for the Arc Reactor. Plus, it allowed him to keep an easier eye on me, if I ever got injured while out as Spider-Man. Hell, he and Pepper somehow convince Aunt May and I to move in with them, so I lived here. I spent a lot of time in R&D, earning the nickname Mini Stark

"Ya, I can see that. Why didn't you turn it in?"

"I'm not allowed to go."

"What? Why?"

"School doesn't believe me that I have an internship here, so I was told, I wasn't allowed to come. Ned and MJ believe me, but even with MJ's skills, she couldn't talk our teacher into allowing me to come." I said with a shrug.

"That's a load of shit. The-"

"BOSS, BOSS Lady and BOSS AUNT, are calling you and Mini Stark, up for dinner." FRIDAY said.

"We're coming up now." Tony said and I put my tools away, wiped my hands on one of the many rags we had, before heading up to get cleaned up. 

"Kid, I will pour a bucket of fucking lavender perfume on you, if you don't get your ass up!" I heard in the morning, which made my spidey-sense flare to laugh, causing me to jump to my ceiling where I glared down at Tony.

"Good, your up. Get ready, we're going around R&D, then a meeting another round of R&D then a Q&A. Then another meeting to go over wedding planning."

"Ugh! Fine, get out!" I said and he smirked, before he left. I finally got off the ceiling, and headed to the shower, mumbling about how it was too early to be up. After my shower, and getting dressed, I went to the kitchen where Aunt May was, cooking, Tony was drinking coffee, and Rhodes was there as well helping Aunt May cook.

"Morning, Pete." Rhodes said.

"Morning." I said as I sat down after pouring myself a cup of orange juice.

"So what's the plan for you two?" Aunt May asked as she sat down two plates of food.

"R&D, meeting, R&D again then a Q&A. Then, wedding planning." Tony said.

"Sounds like you two are busy. Got Pepper's thoughts?" Aunt May asked me and I nodded as I softly thanked her and Rhodes for my food before I started eating. I headed down, with Tony who was frowning at his phone.

"Something wrong?" I asked.


"Ew." I said as I scrunched up my face, which made him laugh some.

"Ya, I know. But I am trying to change the Accords. The World does need the Avengers and we do need to be reined in some, but not this much. SHIELD would be nice to have around."

"Why not recreate SHIELD? You have all the files, don't' you?"

"Well, ya."

"There's still a bunch of SHIELD agents out there. Some out there hiding still acting as Agents. Others that came forward with the fall, that weren't with HYDRA. Fury is dead, so there will be a new director who won't take anyone's shit. Someone able to put the fear of God into anyone. I mean, HYDRA only acted after Peggy Carter retired. That was Seventy years of waiting." I said.

"I would say Pep, but she's running the company." Tony said and I laughed.

"Pepper could take over the world, and you'd lay out the red carpet." I said.

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