S.W.S.S.S.S 3

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I sat next to Pepper after Bruce and Helen left, to let the others know how Tony was doing. I gave Pepper's hand a gentle squeeze, as we sat in silence, when I heard Tony's heart start to beat wildly, and I immediately but carefully pushed Pepper's chair away just as Tony lost it. He grabbed me, and I managed to move my head just enough so he could only get a tight grip on my shirt.

"Tony! Calm down! Your in the tower! It's me, Peter!" I said.

"Peter? What?" Tony asked and he let me go. I let out a slow breath and gently pushed him back down.

"You've been out close to a month. You lost a lot of blood, more than you should have. Broken spine in two parts, internal bleeding. A rib was puncturing your lung, your appendix ruptured, so you don't have that anymore." I said and he looked at me in shock.

"Broken spine in two parts? It doesn't feel broken. I can move."

"It's because it's not broken anymore. With Pepper's permission, Helen, Bruce and I injected you with my serum. You've been healing faster with the serum, as well as being sickly."


"High temperatures, and some violent shaking, but we got that under control, until it was time for you to wake up. Now, are you calmer now?"

"Ya. God, Kid I'm sorry. I didn't know where I was for a moment."

"It's fine, but I'm putting you down for therapy with Sam." I said and then turned, nodding to Pepper.

"Sorry, for pushing you away." I said.

"It's fine. You were just doing your job." She said softly before she walked closer to Tony, and held his hand, where they talked softly while I gave Tony a check up.

"Everything seems normal to me. When you've got the all clear from the actual doctors, we'll see about getting you some food, and moving around. I'll leave you two alone, for now." I said and saw them both nod before I started to walk away.

"You get up from that bed, before your giving the okay, and I'll web your ass to it. And no funny business either."

"Party pooper." Tony muttered.

"I can still hear you."


"Welcome back, Tony." I said and I saw him smile some, before I was gone, heading down to the common room.

"Tony's awake, and he's talking to Pepper. Do NOT bombard him or I'll block ANY and ALL access to everything coffee in this tower for you guys." I said and they all paled in horror. Even Nat, but the most pale was Clint, which was pretty funny. After a few minutes, I tilted my head to the side and sighed.

"I SAID NO FUNNY BUSINESS! GET YOUR ASS BACK ON THAT BED!" I yelled making Rhodes, Nat and Sam start laughing as we all heard Tony start cursing at me, but I heard him settle back onto the bed, so I nodded at that.

Two days later, after given the all clear from Helen and Bruce, I was helping Tony walk around.

"It's weird. Feeling this light."

"You get used to it after awhile. Any back pain?" I asked.

"No. Feeling great. Better than ever, actually." Tony said and I nodded.

"You okay there, Kid?"

"It's just. The day of the attack. What do you remember?" I asked.

"Scanning for heat signatures. One minute I'm in the air, the next, I felt like I was hit with Thor's axe, at twice the speed before I was slammed into the ground, with no power in my suit. It was then when I noticed I couldn't feel anything but pain before I blacked out, unable to call out for anyone."

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