Harry and Peter 2

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Spring Break quickly went by with not much luck on leads. Ned, MJ and I showed Harry around school, before we all headed to class. I was lightly tapping my pen against my desk as I listened to our teacher talk about a set of Quantium Physic's, Tony already taught me, when MJ leaned over some.

"Find anything?" She whispered.

"Not much luck on the leads. Helen hasn't been able to find a couter-serum either. Her team, and FRIDAY have already gone through five hundred tests." I whispered back. 

"Damn that sucks." she got out and I hummed slightly before I sat my pencil down, trying not to face plant onto my desk. 

"Is something wrong, Mr. Parker?" 

"No, sir." I said.

"Hm. Then pay attention." He said before he turned back around and I rolled my eyes at MJ which made her let out a small puff of air. A couple classes later and two of my protien bars later, I was at our normal lunch table, joking with Harry and Ned, while MJ read something off her phone. 

"Damn it." I heard MJ mutter and I just glanced at her, before I reached into my pocket. I quickly pulled out a spare charger, and a modified on the go charger before I plugged her phone in. 

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"It's just a modified on the go charger. I keep it with me, for whever I spaze and forget to charge my phone, or if Ned and MJ need it."

"Cool, how'd you modify it?"

"It's can be either solar powered or charged reguarlly. I've also added an addpting cable, where you could charge your computer."

"Dude, that's sick." Harry said and I just shrugged before I felt MJ grab my face. I turned to look at her, where she quickly planted a kiss on my lips.

"Thank you, loser. I told Pepper I'd go over this file at lunch." 

"Your welcome." I said before she went back to her phone, while Ned and Harry both mocked me, causing me to throw a ketchup packet at each of them, causing them to both start laughing. At the end of the day, MJ and Ned went to work, so I got in the car with Harry, heading to his house. 

"How are you getting the answer to number three? I have everything else, but that one." Harry said an hour into our homework. 

"Use Hooke's law." I said.

"Hooke's, what?" 

"Hold on." I said and finished writing down my answer. I was explaining Hooke's law, when I could hear Norman coming, as he talked on the phone. 

"How's the lastest test subject?"

"Still the same as the other's sir."

"Well that's not good enough! I want progress! Make it snappy!" Norman shouted before I could heard him hang up, so I turned my focus back to explaining.

"Oh. Peter. What brings you here?" Norman asked and I turned some to see him standing in the doorway.

"Homework, sir. I'm just explaining Hooke's law, right now." I said.

"Oh. Keep doing that. Harry, I won't be home tonight."

"Okay, dad." Harry said before Norman left. ONce I finished explaining, Harry went to work on the problem, while I went to the bathroom, after plugging my flashdrive into Harry's private computer, putting FRIDAY. 

"Hello, Peter." She said in a voice only I could hear.

"Hi, FRIDAY. I need you to find out everything you can and send to KAREN. Just don't get caught." I whispered.

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