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Yes, people! You heard Rhodney_IP correct

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Yes, people! You heard Rhodney_IP correct. PeterParker is my son. Yes, it was shocking to us both, BUT we were already father and son before we found out it was true. Peter had every right to act like he did, (THANKFULLY, nothing to drastic like how I was YEARS ago when my parents died) Now, I have a reason for dad jokes, years for Aurora can understand them. 

PepperPStark. I think I just heard Peter give out the loudest sigh from my office, at the mention of dad jokes.

AuntMay_Parker: He did. He now has his face shoved into the couch, cursing about dad jokes. I think you just killed a part of him. 😂

BadB_MJ: Can I have a picture of that, for my collection?

AuntMay_Parker: Sending it to you now, sweetie. 

Harry_Osborn: Haha! 

MayaCat: Dad jokes are horrible. I feel your pain, Peter. 

Ned_Guy_Leeds: Same. 

BettyBet: I'm immune to them. 

MayaCat: Lucky!

Rhodney_IP: Oh, I've got a few Uncle ones.

Momma_Rhodes: Be nice to my grandson.

TonyStark: I am, mom. We have given Peter a warning about the upcoming jokes. 

PidgeBot: Ha! So we the fans were right! #IronDad 

FeParker: BettyBet, how are you immune? I'm asking out of curiosity, not to be rude? 

BettyBet: I don't mind. My moms are awesome! Love you, Mom and Mommy! 

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