➌ 66- Bipolar Bastard

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Before I could control the words from my mouth, the tip of the ax clinks on the stone ground as I whisper softly "Daddy?"

Everyone's heads turn to me and to the man I was looking at. Alec sighs and stands next to me as he tells me firmly "Lassie, deal wit Hershel, I'll take care of ye fatha."

I suck in a heavy breath as I whisper shaking "Daryl- hold- hold him down."

Daryl glances at me but holds him down, I shake my head and raise the ax over my head, the gravity helping the force and the leg comes clean off.

I toss the ax to Alec who catches it and quickly hides me from my father's view as I drop to the ground, a bag of flower pulled from my leg pouch and slammed to the leg.

The man since passed out from shock as the red flower gets replaced till it stays, it won't last long.

I yell as loud as I can "T! YOUR SHIRT!"

T whips it off and tosses it to me. I grab it and tie it around his stump. I stand and say loudly "We need to head back, now! I need to stitch it!"

Alec looks at me and grunts "Aright."

I turn and start past my dad, his unmistakable hand grabs me. I whirl out of his grasp and stay back as I shake "I'm going back there. You can't stop me."

He only smiles and in a kind voice says "I just want to say hi to my-"

I shake my head and spoke to my group, pointing behind my father "Go back there and find a flat surface big enough for him, we need to go, now!"

As people scatter to find something I turn to my dad and seeth "Shut up. You're not my dad."

He scoffs and his eyes grow cold, my heart sinking as it does "What you say?"

As T holds a pushy table out I break eye contact and go to the door as Alec turns and lifts the old man on the table.

I pull my baby and say calmly to Daryl as the fire burns freely "Open it, ill deal with it."

Daryl nods and opens a door. I quickly dispose of them and bark "Let's go!"

In a quick second, we were sprinting as I
killed anything in our way. As the light from the cells show I start screaming with Rick "CARL! Open the door! It's Hershel! Carl! Come on."

We run in the open door and Daryl stays behind, Alec stops me before I run into the cells my body on fire as he hisses and looks at me. I shake my head and snap "What?"

He looks at my dad and his lackeys enter the room before the cells "Stay here, please."

I nod and he leaves, the door to the cells closing and locking behind him. I stand next to Daryl and take aim on the small group.

A white man with a handlebar mustache, a skinny black guy, a big black guy, a regular black guy, a Hispanic guy and of course. 'Daddy'

My lip raises as my dad opens his arms, saying "Come give your daddy a hug."

I gulp and keep my eyes on his hands until he snaps "I said-"

Daryl scoffs and sneers "We heard ya. Fuck off, you ain't touching her."

I glance at Daryl and gulp, my dad speaking coldly to the hick "I was speaking to my daughter-"

I squeeze my eyes close before grunting "That's far enough, step back before I shoot you all."

The Hispanic man scoffs and points behind us "Cellblock C. Cell 4-- that's mine, gringos. Let me in."

I grit my teeth and shift on my feet as Daryl sneers at the man, stress rolling off of him in suffocating waves "Today's your lucky days, fellas. You've been pardoned by the State of Georgia. You're free to go."

My dad shifts closer and my grip whitens as he speaks "What you got going on in there?"

I snarl nastily to my father who's face twisted as I talk "It's none of your concern."

The Hispanic man rose his voice as the door clinks, I glance behind me to find Rick and T coming in "Don't be telling me what's my concern."

I keep my gun aimed at my father despite the gun raised to me by the Hispanic man. He chuckles and sneers at me "What? Too scared to move?"

I flick my eyes over for a second and scoff "You're too much of a pussy, even if you do you will kill me. This fucker won't."

T enters my field of vision and raised his hands to try to calm us down "Chill, man."

Mustache nods and adds "Dude's leg is messed up. Besides, we're free now. Why are we still in here?"

I tilt my head at my father and cooly say "The man's got a point. Go away."

He shakes his head at me as he hisses under the conversation that was going between everyone "You're the only family I got honey."

I shake my head and seeth "What about mom?"

He chuckles and takes a step back, I take one back and he stops, "If your mom was alive she'd be here, she would have been fighting next to you. But all I see is my friend. One who hurt you-"

I narrow my eyes and ignore the silence in the room as I cut him off sharply "You hurt me. ABUSED-"

He takes a step forward and Daryl stands in front of me seething "I said you ain't touching her."

He raises his hands and I grab Daryl's shirt with a shaking hand. He walks backward and I follow as I stay behind him till my back hits the wall. Effectively hidden.

"See for yourself."

I look at Daryl as Rick file them out, me in the very back. Once out of the cold prison I take a breath and press my hands to my knees. Daryl rubs my back comfortingly as the prisoners bask in the sun before looking out to the bodies littering the ground.

A legless walker weakly reaching out. The Hispanic man tilts his head at it as I pull a needle, slinging it past all of them into the head of the walker.

The prisoners- more importantly, my father- whips their head as T snarks "She does that. She's pretty badass."

I march forward and don't give them a second glance as I snatch my knife back before standing and examine the faces of the men.

Fear, arousal, confusion, and anger. Waves coming off of my father, like sand covering my head. I push my eyes away from his as one of the men exclaims something about the sun.

I guess they hadn't had sun, the lack vitamin D must have put them in ill health. The pale and loose skin of their faces seems evident enough.

As one of them ask how we got in I smirk and drawl lamely "Cut a hole in that fence over there by that guard tower."

Hispanic man scoffs and makes an offhandedly crass comment that I ignore however my father doesn't.

"Watch your mouth man. That's my daughter."


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Posting because I'm sad and almost got into a fight at school and I just wanna be homeschooled rn. Hope you enjoy.

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