➊ 22: Was There Something More?

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"How many died?"

My voice broke and Alec visibly flinched but answered "581. The number on yer' wrist is the number we experimented on, ye were the first that succeeded".

I nod and run my hands over my face as I whisper 'Oh my god' before looking at Rick and seeing his reaction.

His body tense and eyes hard as they are trained on me. His brows furrow as he sees the tears that got caught in my eyes. Rick jumped up and grabbed Alec who allows this, I know he would win in a fight against Rick and slams him against the wall.

He presses on Alec's throat but I run up and pull at Ricks' arm but in his drunken state brushes me away a bit hard and as I stumble into the table and fall Alec's eyes zero onto me and he pushes Rick aside to my side.

Rick looks bewildered at Alec whos gently helping me off the ground before Alec turns and states with a voice so soft one would think it a priest "I dinnae want to do this to he', but once I saw the way she was being treated I thought that if she wasn't a use to he' father, he would kill he'. Aye, what I did was awful, but once ye start ye can't stop or the burning of the virus would burn all he' cells, effectively killing he'. If I could, I would take her in as me own."

Inhale shakily and press a hand to my mouth saying sternly "Alec, if there's anything- and I mean anything- else, tell me."

He sits at the table and and opens my file, pushing papers aside till he hands me one.

I glance at Rick before grabbing it.

I read it quickly, it preliminary checks on my whole body function, the only thing along with my cells is my reproductive.

I look up and ask him softly "What does this mean? That I?"

He shakes his head and I freeze, spinning the ring my Princess was going to give me.

Rick leans on the table and asks "What is it this time? Other than taking your childhood?"

I toss the papers on the table and stare at them "My future family."

Rick stares at me before picking up the papers reading them. I rub my nose slightly as I lick my lips. My chest quivering with withheld emotions.

Rick sighs and gives the papers back to the Scottish man asking softly "Lucy? Are you?"

I nod quickly and got tears fall down my cheeks, saying quickly "Yep, all good, you know what people say about continuing the cycle. I-"

I pant slightly and fight through the tears "I wouldn't be a good ma either way. It's fine."

I breathe heavily for a second before looking up at the two men joking slightly "Off to bed Alec. Rick, I think that Jenner wanted to talk to you. He's in the computer room. I'm going to the rec room to read."

Alec looks at me and reminds me sadly "Hey, don't stay up too late reading".

I nod and walk down the hall, wiping my eyes as I go to my room.

By the time I reach my door I press my forehead to it and sigh, pushing whatever feeling down. It's not helpful, no- you know what? It is helpful.

No one wants a baby with walkers, they are death warrants. I do finally grab my handle but a muffled cry down the hall makes me jolt.

I'm supposed to be the only one sad right now! Buzz off.

I sigh and sniffle as I head to the library hearing a protest of a woman and a convincing of a male.

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