Chapter 2 ♥️♥️♥️

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Alec coughs and Magnus releases me as he ruffles my hair. "Of course it would be you Jace is obsessing over."

Obsessing? I've known he's existed for maybe half an hour, why would Magnus think that?"

"Magnus!" Alec scolds. Magnus shrugs, "I'm just repeating what you told me, Alexander."

"For the record," Jace says, "I'm not obsessed with her, she's not even my type." I look at Jace wanting nothing more than to punch him in the face. I'm so mad, I'm angry with him for being such a jerk but mostly I'm pissed at myself for giving a damn. How could I have thought that we had a connection?

"For the record, " I say as I step forward inches from his face. As I get closer his breath catches, " the feeling is mutual." I back away enjoying the look of utter shock on his face. Is the golden angel not use to someone who fights back?

Magnus chuckles, "I've missed you, biscuit."

"Biscuit?" Alec fumes and I stifle a laugh. He obviously thinks something is going on which is hysterical.

Magnus, as it seems thinks it's just as funny. "Calm down Alexander, Clary is like my sister." His features relax slightly and now instead of fury he just looks mildly annoyed.

"He, gets a little jealous, I mean who wouldn't be? Look at me!" He does a little spin. "Speaking of looking good, have you been working out?" He lifts my arm and pokes it. "Flex."

I start to decline but there is no arguing with Magnus Bane so I flex. "Are you Clary or Buffy?"
I grin at him, "I'm glad someone noticed, Simon and I have been at the gym everyday training."

"Really?" Jace says, "it doesn't look like it's had the same desired effect on your measly boyfriend." I glare at him, is he always this much of an arrogant dick?

"Since when do you train?" Magnus asks.

"Since the incident."

Magnus nods solemnly as if the memory is almost painful. Well, it's painful for me too but it made me stronger. I shake my head clearing away thoughts of that night and him.

Jace steps up, looking ready to knock someone out. "What incident?"
He stares down at me with a heated intensity, I try not to get lost in those eyes. I want to hate him, but I just don't, I'll be damned if I let him know that though.

"Don't worry about it, Captain America. I can take care of myself."
He doesn't miss a beat "Oh, so you think I'm hot like Captain America?"

"You think Captin America is hot?" I ask. He sputters looking frazzled.
"I'm a Thor kind of girl my self but hey whatever floats your boat." Everyone is just staring at me in shock except for Magnus who can't control his laughter.

My phone starts ringing and I answer it immediately, "Simon! I'm so sorry." I stop talking immediately when I notice the blonde is looking at me annoyed like it's his business who I'm talking to. "I'll be right back," I say to Magnus and step outside.

Jace's POV

As soon as I see the firey redhead walk outside I'm right in Magnus's face.
"Who is she? Who is this Simon? Is he her boyfriend? How do you know her? Which school does she go to?"

Mangus snaps his fingers "You don't come over here demanding Intel on my biscuit, I know you, Jace Wayland you're not good enough for her."

"Magnus!" Alec says quietly. But he's right I barely know this girl and I'm already sure I don't deserve her. I should stay away from her, for her own good.

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