Chapter 24

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Jace's Pov

"Jace Wayland put me down if you know what's good for you!"

A chuckle escapes my lips as she continuously thrashes around in my arms, "you better listen to her Jace, something tells me she can kick your ass."

"I can kick yours to Alec, don't encourage him," she half yells, and now Alec is laughing hysterically only fueling her rage.
"It's not funny,"

she huffs as she halfheartedly pounds her fist onto my back. I set her down on her feet instantly feeling guilty. "I know, believe me I know, you're just so endearing when you're mad, I couldn't help it."

She sighs, her anger melting just slightly, "I'm always endearing, I don't need your permission to go after my father by the way or my brother," she says crossing her arms over her chest looking upset in the most stunning way possible. Her lips are puckered up in this alluring pout...
Shut the fuck, Wayland, get your shit together around her for once.
"I know baby," her eyes soften as a reluctant smile starts to tug at those perfect pink lips, "no one tells Clary Fray the Phoenix what to do."

"Don' t remind me."

"Why not?" I ask a bit confused," it suits you so well."

She grins at me then." It does but it reminds me of how in ten days I'm going to have to mess up this beautiful face I love so much. I'll go easy on you goldilocks I promise." My brain goes haywire when she uses the L word, I mean it's not as if she said she loves me but the fact that she loves something about me sends every nerve in my body into overdrive because I love everything about her.

"Oh yeah?" What makes you think you could even get a hit in Fray?" I say enjoying the hell out of teasing her, it makes me feel better to know we can joke about this. I know it's been hanging over both of our heads like an ominous cloud but it's safe to say that no matter what it won't affect us. I won't let it.

"I mean I could show you right now if you want, " she says with a wicked grin.

"I don't know, you couldn't even get out of my arms."

"Well, that's because I wasn't trying very hard, come at me Wayland, give it your best shot."

"I do love a challenge, " I say as I step up towards her.

"By the angel you two are nauseating, I think I'm going to lose my breakfast, " Alec says, which is pretty comical coming from him. 

"Oh please, when you and Magnus first started dating I had to carry a bucket around with me to catch all the bile spilling from my throat, " I say chuckling.

Alec rolls his eyes but I catch the slight grin as he walks away shaking his head. He knows it's true when they first started dating there isn't one place I didn't find them making out. I grimace just thinking about it.

There isn't a moment where I don't want my lips attached to Clary's but I wouldn't just French her out in the open.

I look down at her, her feet are set, fist poised in the air, she looks incredibly badass and sexy.
Think I might change my viewpoint on that last one.

"Come on Jace what are you waiting for? If you're going to take me on I think you might need some practice, " she taunts only making me want to kiss her more.

She lunges out, her fist aimed for my chest, before making contact I quickly but gently snatch her wrist and spin her around. I didn't really think that move through because it places her body right against mine, sending shockwaves through my entire body, all of my senses are acutely aware of every one of her curves pressed up against me.

"I could get used to your version of training, " I whisper nuzzling her ear.

"Yeah?" She says spinning around, " I can get used to your defense especially, " she says as she wraps her arms around my waist pulling me forward, her hands so strong and sure coming to a rest on my hips, " if it lets me get this close to you."
I lean down as she stands up on her tiptoes and I mash my lips against hers.

All thoughts of the world around us, who might see us, all of the obstacles that stand in our way, all of it melts away as my lips meet hers. I reach around wrapping my arm around her waist pulling her closer to me, I can feel the rise and fall of her chest as her lips part deepening our kiss.

The last piece of my heart falling before her feet, every emotion I have ever kept bottled up hidden from the world tumbles out at me as I try to say all the words I'm not ready to say with my lips, even if they may be true, I'm not ready to utter those three words.

So I kiss her harder, hoping she understands on her own. With one hand still on the small of her back I press her further into me as my other tangles in her hair tugging lightly on the wavy tendrils wrapped around my fingertips, like a bow enveloped on a beautiful present, she's a gift from the angels, one I will never deserve.

I start to lose all sense or my surroundings, completely forgetting we're outside right in front of my house where everyone can see. I lose myself in our kiss, her scent...her. It seems as if I'm not the only one. She shoves her delicate but strong hands under my shirt raking her fingernails down my back.

I start to mimic her motions when I feel a stream of water squirting in my face. I tear myself away from Clary to see Magnus holing out a spray bottle.

With a gust of wind and another cold spritz of water to the face, I'm thrust back into reality, realizing that I've just nearly stripped Clary of her top for all the neighbors to see, thankfully it didn't come to that.

So much for not kissing her in public.

"Magnus," she scolds swirling out of my arms, "did you seriously just spray me with a water bottle? Did that really just happen? I am not a cat that needs to be reprimanded."

"No,  but keep fraternizing like that and we will have KITTENS! You two will overpopulate the world with your kittens. You can at least procreate in the privacy of a bedroom. Not on my boyfriend's front lawn, you're taking the attention away from my entrance." He says as he squirts each of us in the face again.

"Bad Clary, bad Jace, please stop sucking face," he burst out laughing at his stupid poem that only he finds funny, I hear a snort from my side to see Clary doubled over, tears streaming from her eyes.

"You're the second person to find him remotely funny," I say to Clary," only after himself," I say taking the bottle out of his hands. "Consider this confiscated."

"Consider yourself rude!" He says dramatically as he links his arm with Clary's. When we walk into the foyer all eyes are on us. I feel like I'm in one of those idiotic interventions.
"Please," my mom says," take a seat."

Magnus leans down and whispers, " looks like someone's in trouble."

"Not helpful Magnus, " I say in a tone that leaves no doubts about how much he is annoying me right now."

"Wasn't trying to be, " he says as he takes his seat beside Alec."

If it looks like an intervention, smells like an intervention it's probably a fucking intervention. All it's missing is a big ass sign. I reach for Clary's hand, entwining our fingers, mentally preparing for the storm of shit we're about to face.

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Published 3/14/19

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