Chapter 39

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Jace's POV

I wake up feeling a bit dizzy. Instinctively I reach out for Clary but my hands come to rest on an arm that is too masculine to belong to my girl, well masculinish.

"Don't be getting all handsy with me Wayland I don't swing that way for you, " Magnus says slapping my hand away sleepily. I sit up feeling a little weird. I can't believe I fell asleep, how could I? I was supposed to stay up to make sure she was awake.

"Clary?" I don't see her in the room. Did she go downstairs? My heart stops when I see the needle sticking out of Magnus's neck. I jump out of bed and inspect my unconscious family. Each person has a needle sticking out of their neck. I jump up and start pulling them out but no one even stirs.
"Magnus, " I yell, since he's the only one who responded.

He responds by throwing a pillow at me. Under different circumstances, I would find it funny. "Magnus, Clary is gone! She's gone!" I say, my voice breaking at the end.

That does it, he's out of the bed so fast you would think he had superhuman speed.
"How do you know?"

I show him the several empty vials in my hands.

"How long have we been out?"
I check the time on my phone, "maybe around ten hours?"

"I think the better question is how the fuck did he knock all of us out? Last thing I remember we were joking around and then waking up now?" I ask trying not to give into the terror I feel.

I don't think I had ever felt fear before her and now? It's a part of me, every time I close my eyes I see her beautiful features frozen in horror, reminding me that I have to protect her.

I promised to protect her with my life and I failed. There are only three people I hate more than myself right now. Johnathan, his lackey, and her father. And anyone else who has ever caused her pain for that matter.

"Jonathan must have had an accomplice. It's the only way, " Magnus says breaking me out of my trance.

"We'll find out, " I said pointing up to the newly installed security cameras I just put up. At least I did something right...

"Well, this is convenient, when did you do that?"

"After Clary was attacked last night I installed them to keep her safe. It should show us the room and I have one set up at the window so If he parked outside, I'll have the plate numbers."

"Wow, Wayland I'm impressed."

I shrug my shoulders, "I love her." The moment the words escape my lips I freeze and so does Magnus. Those three words fell off my lips like it was the most natural thing in the world and to me it is.

My love for Clary is the most natural thing I have ever felt. Loving her is like second nature. That's what finding the other half of your soul is. Finding someone who sees you, all of you, your flaws, your strengths, your scars. She sees me and I see her and I love every piece of the girl with the fiery red hair and fierce heart.

I can't lose her... I'm strong but I will never be strong enough to face this life without her.

"You what?" Magnus says gasping, I don't blame him. Jace Wayland in love? A week ago this would have been unheard of but it's true, I do. However, now is not the time to bear my soul.

"We don't have time to discuss this, wake everyone up I'm going to work on this," I say holding up my laptop. I sit down as Magnus starts to shake everyone awake.

My heartbeat quickens as I fast forward to the last time I remember being conscious. There we all are laughing. It all happens so fast, I can see a beautiful smile cross Clary's lips as I sneak my arm around her and then shortly after one by one we all get shot.

Me and Magnus first then the rest of the room. Except for Clary, after everyone's out like a light he shoves a rag into her mouth. She starts to lose consciousness as he picks her up but with one last ditch effort she grabs the needle out of my throat and pockets it. Then just like that, she's out, just like the rest of us. I see two faces but I only recognize one.

Suddenly everyone is now huddled around me watching the footage. I switch the cameras to the one outside and see Johnathan carry Clary out to the car followed by his lackey. I zoom in on the license plate and whip out my phone. There's only one person who can help me identify the owner of that vehicle, whether it belongs to Johnathan or his lackey.

Alcante answers on the first ring sounding annoyed, "what Wayland?"

"I need you to look up a license plate number for me, you still have all that shit from when you were a cop right?"

"Maybe I do, if I did why would I help you? After embarrassing me in my own club?"

"Because I'm the owner of Legends of the fall now and I'll do whatever you want, if that weren't reason enough I think you would be interested to know that Clary, your star fighter is missing. help me find her, please."

"You owe me one."

"Whatever you want."

"I'll be collecting shortly," I can hear him typing away before he comes back on the line, "his name is James Stark, his wife Lilly Stark and child Ronny live at," he pauses for a moment and then reads off an address.

I hang up and run out of the bedroom, I only stop when Alec grabs my arm.
"Jace, you can't just storm over to someone's house, his family won't know anything, let's just take a breather and figure out our next move."

"I don't have time to sit around and do nothing while Clary is missing! This is my fault! I was supposed to protect her, I was supposed to look after her and I failed her, I failed her, " my voice breaks at the end as I'm trying to keep myself together. On the inside, I'm screaming but I can't break down, not now. Clary doesn't need a sniveling boyfriend she needs my help.

"Jace, " Alec warns, "you're going to get yourself in trouble."

"I don't care, Alec, all I care about is her, getting her back, Clary is the only thing that matters right now."

"I'll go with you, " Luke says coming to stand by my side.

"Me too!" Simon yells running down the steps.

I really don't need or want company but I have a feeling they wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Have you all lost your mind?  Where do you think you're going?"

"To get my girl back," I say through clenched teeth.
Alec looks like he's about to protest but Magnus latches on to his arm, "go get my biscuit, " Magnus says tearfully, " whatever you have to do to bring her back... do it."

I nod, he knows I'll do whatever it takes to bring her back home, to her family, to me.

"I'll drive," Luke says grabbing his keys. I don't argue, it's not as if we can all fit on the back of my Harley.

I look out the window from the back seat as Luke speeds down the road trying not to give into the despair that crashes over me like waves.

Thank you so much reading Angels! Don't forget about the giveaway so vote and comment! ♥️♥️♥️

Also here is the list of the name changes for Losing my grip!

Clary- Camilla Fade
Jace- Jax Wayde
Jocelyn- Jacklyn Fade
Valentine- Varick Morgan
Johnathan- Jared Morgan
Maryse - Maddison Lightburn
Alec- Adrian Lightburn
Izzy- Ivy Lightburn
Magnus- Malik Bale
Simon- Sam Lang
Maia- Mia Robins
Raphel- Riley Saunders
Luke- Lucas Gray
Sebastian- Seth Valor
Published 4/29/19

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