Chapter 44

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Chapter 44
Jace's POV

I don't know if Sebastian is telling the truth but he's dead regardless. Either way, he'll only be leaving this house when we carry his lifeless body out of here. 
"Just put a bullet between his eyes, " Luke says exasperated, " he has no information of value."

"Is that so? You aren't even her father, " Sebastian says ruthlessly, " you're not even blood related, are you so desperate for a family you have to steal someone else's? Poor Valentine, " he says shaking his head.

"Valentine is not her father, " he screams but is interrupted by my phone ringing. Without lowering the gun I answer it immediately nodding for Luke to take my place. Luke holds the pistol firmly aiming it at Sebastian's head.

"Hello?" I ask, praying to whoever is listening it's her.

"Jace, it's me."

The relief washing over me is fleeting, "Clary! Are you hurt? Baby where are you? I've been going crazy!"

"I'm in prison, this is my one phone call, " she jokes, I know she's trying to make me laugh, she must know I'm out of my damn mind right now but nothing will help not until she's by my side.

"Clary, "  I plead, "where are you?"

"Give me the phone, " Simon says trying to grab for it. I slap his hands away and give him a shove and he promptly falls into a drum set.
Drama Queen, if he tries that again, I'll knock his ass out. If he would have accidentally hung up on her I would have killed him.
Alright, I shouldn't joke like that now that I actually have killed people.

"Put me on speaker Goldilocks, " Clary says amused. Well, I'm glad she can keep her sense of humor at a time like this. Her use of my nickname sends my heart slamming against my chest.
Damn it, I miss her.

As much as I want to hog Clary all to myself I do as she asks .

"Hi, Simon!" Her angelic voice booms through the speaker. It's so good to hear the sound of her voice.

"Clary, are you alone?" Simon asks.

"No, " she says and my heart drops. Wherever she is, he's with her doing God knows what.

"Clary, where are you?" Simon asks. I guess it's a good thing she's on speaker because Simon is asking all the questions my mind is too frazzled to come up with.

"Into the wild, " she says baffling me. I see Simon nod in response like he understands.
Must be an inside joke.

"Clary, I...Love you, " I finish as the other end goes silent, just like that she's gone. I try to call her back but the number is unknown.

"Damn it!" I scream as my first connects with the wall. Every emotion is boiling inside of me and I want to let the rage spill over onto everything. I feel like I've lost her all over again and it's all my fault.

"Jace!" Simon yells pulling on my arms, " calm down, " but I won't calm down not until I find her. How could I possibly keep it together?

Simon grabs my arms again stopping me from adding another imprint of my fist in the wall, " I know where she is."

"What? Where?"

"Alaska, she's in Alaska," he says adamantly.

"Care to explain how you possibly know that?" I try to replay Clary's words over again in my mind but I come up with nothing.

"She told us, into the wild is a movie that takes place in Alaska. That's why she said that she knew I would get it."

For once instead of hitting her annoying best friend in the face I could actually hug him... almost. That's why she wanted to be on speaker. Because she knew Simon would understand and I wouldn't.

"Hey Jace, I'm glad we have a lead on Clary but we're still in a situation."

"Shit, " I forgot, with the sound of Clary's voice I completely forgot that we have someone at gunpoint. I'm losing it. I take the gun out of Lukes' hand and point it at Sebastian's head once again. His eyes bulge out of his sockets when he sees my finger inch towards the trigger. His eyes are filled with absolute terror until they glaze over. I drop the gun and it lands with a thud on the ground at the same time Sebastian's lifeless body smacks the tile.


The three of us walk into the house silently, not a word has been spoken since I pulled that trigger for the second time. I think they both know I did what I had to do. He would have hurt Clary and couldn't I  let that happen. I need no forgiveness for my actions and I regret nothing, I did what I had to do, I protected my girl. But somehow I fear my family won't see it the same way.

"Why do you have blood on you, Jace?" Alec says coming in front of me with Izzy by his side. Unfortunately, I don't see Magnus, the one time I want him here he's not. Not that I'm suddenly his biggest fan but he's the only one in this family who will understand. I think he loves her almost as much as I do.

"Oh, you know, "Jace committed Murder twice, just your average day." Simon says exasperated.
Nice Simon, just rip the bandaid right off.

"That's not funny, " Alec says without a drop of sarcasm.

"No, it's not funny, it's true." I say wishing I hadn't. He'll just blame Clary like he always does.

"You killed someone?"

"Technically two someones." Simon says as I hit him on the shoulder hoping it shuts him the hell up.

"You think you're fucking helping? Shut the hell up Lewis."

"Awe Jace you called me something other than dweeb I must be growing on you."

Alec is looking at me like he has no idea who I am and I don't blame him I don't recognize myself but I would not take back the last hour if I could. People like that don't deserve to walk this earth. They would leave nothing but charred bones and ashes in their wake.

"You killed the wife?"

"Of course not!" I balk, the fact that he would even think I would kill someone innocent is baffling however in his defense I'm covered head to toe in blood, "I killed Sebastian and James."

"I need to sit down, I think I'm going to be sick."

"You do that, I'm going to get Clary."

"I hope you bought three tickets, Wayland because if you think for a second that you're going without me and Luke you really have lost all sense."

I show him the email confirmation to quiet his incessant babbling, " I just had to pick up my charger in case Clary calls again. Are you two ready?"

"To face the man who almost killed my best friend? I've never been more ready for anything in my life!"

Can't say I hate his enthusiasm, Simon is actually sort of helpful when he isn't being a pain in my damn ass.

"Same, " Luke says cracking his knuckles, " no mercy."

No mercy indeed, the snow will be stained with that bastards blood.

"You're going to Alaska, right now? Have you lost your damn mind? Do you know how big Alaska is? It could be its own country, Jace I beg of you, think this through please, you will never find her and if you do, you have no idea what you could be walking in to."

"I don't care, Alec, I'm getting her back, you would do it for Magnus, don't stand there and tell me you wouldn't, "

Without another word, I spin around and head towards the door flanked by Simon and Luke. "

"We're becoming quite the team, "Simon says, " just call us the revengers! Or Clary's Angels!"

This is the help I'm left with? Heaven help us all. I get into the passenger seat while Simon Climbs into the back, " let's go get Clary back, " Luke says with determination.

I'm not leaving Alaska without her or Jonathan's head.

We're coming for you baby and Johnathan, were coming for you too.

Thanks for reading loves! Don't forget to vote and comment! Sorry for the wait the way the show ended makes me so sad it's hard to write about our Clace. ♥️♥️
Published 5/19/19

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