Chapter 25

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Clary POV

Jace squeezes my hand as I take a seat next to him. I'm trying to appear calm and collected but I'm afraid it isn't working. On the inside, I'm a nervous wreck.

I don't do confrontations, I have a sneaking suspicion that's precisely what this is. Most of his family hasn't exactly been thrilled of my presence or our sudden romance, can't say mine will react any different. Referring to Simon and Luke of course, not the people I merely share blood with they can jump right of a damn cliff.

Well, not my mom.
I'm not ready to give on her, not yet anyway or anytime soon for that matter even though at this point I probably should. My father has corrupted her probably my brother too.
No! He's not your brother! He's a murder!

I immediately shake off all thoughts of that monster being my sibling. That man is no more my brother than Valentine is my father. I realize then I don't even know his name but does it even matter? The answer to that is a hell no but I still want to know. Call it curiosity and we all know what curiosity did to the cat.

It fucking killed the cat, just like that bastard tried to kill me. So my curiosity ends here I don't want to know him, I don't want to know if his childhood was like mine. I don't want to know if we have similar scars, I don't want to know a damn thing, other than how long it takes him to bleed out after I pierce his heart with my blade. I care only for his spilled blood.

"So," Maryse says," we have important matters to discuss."

My stomach tightens as her gaze falls on me.
"Don't," Jace warns,"Clary is my girlfriend, I shouldn't have to defend my choices or her character to you, to any of you."

"Relax son, this has nothing to do with your relationship although I would prefer if you would refrain from undressing Clary in my front yard."

I instantly feel my cheeks warming up and all I want to do is hide my face in the crook of Jace's arm but I won't.
You're stronger than that Clary! Chin up, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You have been through worse!
And I have, much worse, I can take this.

Jace relaxes by my side as I feel his arms slip around my shoulders, instinctively I lean into his embrace. Relying on his touch, him, it's beginning to feel like second nature and a little too good.

"So, no it doesn't involve your relationship however it is quite personal would you prefer she wait upstairs?" Everyone's eyes fall on Jace in anticipation.

"Absolutely not, Clary stays, she has as much right to be here as Magnus."

"I second Goldilocks!" Magnus says chuckling. When Jace glares at him he shrugs his shoulders. "Thin walls."

"Thanks, sweet cheeks, " Jace replies to which Alec and Magnus's head snap up. "Thin walls, " Jace says smirking.

"Only the angel knows how much I enjoy your banter but despite appearances that is not the reason I called this family meeting."

"But it's so much fun and I know it's the highlight of Jace's day, " Magnus says smirking.

"Actually Clary is the highlight of my day, but don't worry Magnus bringing you down a peg or two is a distant second."

Maryse holds up a hand to silence Magnus's  attempt at a rebuttal, "enough you two, there are important matters to discuss that will affect our entire family, so if you choose to stay you will do it with your lips zipped."

Mayrse looks so serious and I wonder if maybe I shouldn't be here. This seems like a conversation for family only and Magnus but Jace's arm around me ensures I stay put, he wants me here and if he wants me here I'll stay.

I guess I should just feel thankful this family meeting isn't about us, I can still feel the warmth of my cheeks from my earlier utter humiliation.  I just about ripped his clothes off in the street. I'm thankful Magnus was there spray bottle in hand to bring me back to reality before I let things go too far.

"So, as you know when Robert died it put a strain on me, on our family. I'm trying to do a  good job in his stead but I fear I'm no replacement for him. I don't really know what I'm doing and I think there's someone else in this room who could do it much better than me."

What she doesn't say but I hear anyway is how my father put a strain on their family too, I'm sure Valentine makes life more difficult for every poor unfortunate soul he comes across. But mine takes the cake, getting my very own brother to end my life? To stalk me for years? He's demented and without knowing it, I played right into his hands, I did exactly what he would have wanted.

The phrase "like father like daughter, " plagues my mind like a bad memory. I want to think I'm nothing like him but how can I ignore the facts? It all makes sense now, why my attacker never attacked me again, why the last two years Valentine has wanted to control everything I do. He's been keeping tabs on me, silently waiting on me to take over Shadows of the night and the second I did like a vulture he came to collect. I was useless to him therefore disposable but then I became valuable to him.

My experiences made me stronger and well I guess he liked that. Didn't stop him from beating me until I was strong enough to stop him. And then once he couldn't hurt me he went after everyone I love. I always wondered why he didn't just put a bullet between my eyes, hand to hand I'll win every time but I'm no match for a bullet. Guess now I know, he needs me, to use me and I will do everything in my power not to be his tool of destruction. I know what I must do, the choice I must make.

"Who?" Alec asks as if he already knows, his voice brings me out of my own thoughts and back to the present.

"Jace, " she says, " you have saved us all time and time again and it's not fair for me to ask more of you."

As soon as his name comes out of her mouth everyone looks relieved, Isabelle takes a deep breath as if she's been holding it in all this time. Even Magnus looks pleased. Jace looks utterly shocked but he's the only one. Everyone nods in agreement as they look to Jace for his reply.

I'm waiting to even though I feel confident in what his answer will be. We are exactly alike in almost every perceivable way, so I feel like he would do the same as I would.

"Jace, " Maryse says steadily, " leader of Legends of the fall and my son, will you take over for me? Will you do what I can't? It's not fair of me to even ask but I have no choice. We can't sustain our self with me being at the helm. We need you, Jace,  please, I wouldn't ask if the situation didn't warrant this."

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Published 3/16/19

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