Chapter 56

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Before Jace can open the door I'm in front of him, "Jace, he isn't here to hurt me, just let me talk to him."

He ignores me and slowly opens the door with a gun aimed at Johnathan's head, "your sister, my girlfriend wants me to spare you, she thinks you deserve a second chance, I disagree." It's not like I blame Jace for not trusting Johnathan if the shoe was on the other foot I would react the same, I would do everything in my power to keep them apart, that's why when he aims the gun at my brother's skull I don't hold it against him but I do need to stop him.

He throws his hands up showing he is unarmed, " I just wanted to warn you of Valentine's plans."

"And how would you know? The last I remember your demented minions were switching sides."

"You think Valentine's men are all loyal? I assure you that is far from the truth, you think he's the only one capable of having someone miked?" If you don't believe me, that's fine but you will believe this, " he slips his hand in his pocket and pulls out a recorder. Jace hesitantly grabs it and presses play.

I'm almost afraid to hear his voice, not for myself but for them. Valentine makes a habit of going after his targets loved ones and there is not a single doubt in my mind that's what he's done. I just pray I'm wrong, I hope I'm the only target.

"Is it done?" A cold voice sounds from the tiny device in Jace's hands. His voice sounds just like it did when he would burn me, when I would try my best not to cry but a tear or two would slip out, "are you done?" he would ask as my tears silently fell from my bloodshot eyes as he took a puff of his cigar and then put it out on me like I was an ashtray, then light it up just to do it again and again. Most kids if they did something wrong, got in trouble at school or snuck out got a belt to the ass at worst but me? I got a whip to the back for walking in the door, while he was angry.

My eyes find Johnathan's and it's obvious that it's reminded him of an almost identical memory, haunted by all the same horrors, plagued by the same nightmares. Funny how the mind works, a good memory I can barely hang on to but pain? I carry that around with me always, when it comes to pain we all have an elephants memory.

"It's done, the girl will take the fall for James and the boy, the one who's obsessed with her will go down for Sebastian and the fallen police officer, they already found a strand of her hair by the body and as for this Jace, it's taken care of. But sir are you sure you want to have your daughter locked away? She's you, child."

A dry chuckle escapes his lips, "She's not my child, she's an abomination, a true disappointment, so much wasted potential, she's nothing to me."

"But sir didn't you want her to fight for you I don't understand."

"She won't, that much is for certain and besides I have two children, one of a which is terrified of losing the other, so terrified that he would do anything." I can almost hear the smirk in his calculating voice, "I would rather her dead of course but then I would have no leverage, no Clarissa Morgenstern is more valuable alive than dead but only because of what she means to him."

"Turn it off, " I demand, "I've heard enough, " I take the recording from Jace's hand and ignore the open mouths and stares digging into my back. "So, " I say as Johnathan takes the recorder, "he wants to frame me for murder... well I guess it's not being framed if you actually did it is it?"

"Clary, I will protect you from this, I promise you, I already have a plan I..."

"No," I say my determination taking over in place of fear, "no more blood on my hands, no more lives ruined just because they had the misfortune of knowing me, I'll take fall for all three murders and you? You will fight for him, just like he wants. We both know the lengths he will go to in order to win. And I conceive, I tried to take my life back and I was so close, so fucking close but I'm done with that now. He wins, I lose, has there ever been another way this would turn out?"

"Clary, fuck no you're not, I'm not letting you, I'll..." I hold up my hand to Jace stopping his speech.

"Do nothing," I finish for him. I walk up to Jace and kiss him hard on the mouth, "you'll do nothing, I love you, Jace Wayland, you're a bright spot in this sea of darkness I call my life."

He's looking down at me his eyes pleading with me, silently begging me not to do this but I have no other choice. Valentine is a monster, the devil himself I'm sure and he must be stopped, no matter the cost, it's worth it, if only just to keep my family safe, my true family.

"Biscuit, " Magnus says grabbing my hands prying me away from Jace, "you can't do this, it's not fair... you're..."

"Life isn't fair Mags, it's not fair, it truly isn't but fair doesn't always matter. What does is protecting all of you as best as I can."

"You're a hero, Clary Fray, a living breathing firey hero that sets ablaze where ever she goes. I've never told you that before but I've always thought it, you're not just a hero, you're my hero so please don't do this."

I smile at Magnus's description of me, "Well you know what they say, heroes aren't always the ones who win, they're the ones who lose, sometimes. But they keep fighting, they keep coming back. They don't give up. That's what makes them heroes."

Magnus hugs me then, "please don't do this biscuit, please, we'll figure something out like we always do."

Izzy's arms around me next, "Magnus is right and so are you. Sometimes the good guy loses, sometimes the villain wins, sometimes the douche gets the girl, sometimes the only way the hero wins is to lose it all but Clary Fairchild Fray Morgenstern Lightwood that will not be you do you understand me?"

"Yeah, " Alec says speaking up for the first time, "we all agreed that bastard would have to go through every single one of us in order to get to you and I meant it if he wants you he has to go through me, " he says putting hid hand out palm down.

"And me!" Izzy yells, " putting her hand on top of Alecs, "this time the good guys will win." Then she places a second hand on top," Simon's not here so as his girlfriend I'll speak on his behalf.

Magnus puts his hand in the pile next, " protecting you biscuit has always been my job why would I stop now? And this" Magnus says holding up his left hand, following Izzy's lead, " is for a Luke."

Then Jace is taking my hands, " you've made it clear you would do anything to protect me, you don't think I would do the same for you? You're my entire fucking world, Clary. Aside from the people in this room I have never connected with a single person, you're my world," he repeats those gold eyes staring into mine, " it begins and ends with you," he squeezes my hand harder as he takes are entwined fingers adding them both to the pile, "you might be willing to lose it all but I'm not. I'm not losing you and I sure as hell am not letting the girl I love who has never once given up on anything start now. If you're done fighting fine but we're not, I'm not."

I sighed shaking my head at the sheer determination in his voice, "Well I guess I'm in too if you guys are going to be all annoying and persistent. I say laughing.

"I have a plan," Johnathan says quietly.

Thanks for reading my loves!! So this is getting near the end! Possibly 10 more chapters and that's an if. However like I said I can do a sequel. If I get enough ideas. I know how this ends and I know how the sequel will begin, but it will take time to figure it out. If there is a sequel I'll probably take a few months off from Wattpad in order to edit my other novels Hidden Desire and When all else fails I really need to buckle down and get them published. Then, of course, I'll get this one published. So I love you guys!! Please vote and comment. :)

Published 08/17/19

By the Angel Where stories live. Discover now