Chapter 26

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Jace doesn't even hesitate just like I knew he wouldn't. There isn't a single thing he wouldn't do for his family. Just another thing we have in common. I would do whatever it takes to protect Luke, Simon, Magnus and now Jace is included on that list.

"Mom, you don't even have to ask," he says getting up from the couch, " if it helps you and our family my answer will be yes every time,"

His answer only makes me fall harder, I've closed myself off for so long and now this one man is opening up every single emotion inside of me like the breaking of a dam.

"Thank you son, all of you. This year hasn't been exactly easy, I've barley been hanging on." She holds out her arms as Jace, Alec and Isabelle hug her. This is a beautiful moment but I can't help but feel a bit awkward watching. I glance at Magnus and have to stifle a chuckle.

Magnus so clearly feels the same, he's inspecting his nails intently, something he does when he's uncomfortable.
Same Magnus same.

Jace just made this huge and wonderful decision and I know I have one ahead of me as well, one that's already been decided. As soon as I found out Valentine owned Shadows of the night all this time I knew what I had to do.

As soon as I can grab Maryse alone, I'll tell her my plans I just hope she goes for it, I don't even want to consider the possibility she won't.

"You're going to do great Jace," Maryse says as they break away.

"I hope so, I'll do my best," Jace says coming back to stand by my side.

"Your best is always more than enough," Maryse says smiling as she walks away.
Nows my chance.
I guess technically now I would ask Jace but I don't want to seem as if I'm going over her head.

"Can I talk to you about something?" She stops dead in her tracks a tight smile forming on her lips," of course, follow me."

Jace looks at me confusion in his eyes. "I'll tell you later." He nods but looks nervous, his expression mimicking how I feel on the inside, I just pray it isn't written all over my face like it us his.
He has a point she hates me and I don't know if I'm about to make things better or worse.

I can feel everyone's eyes glued to my back as I walk down the hall. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to eavesdrop. I mean I just did the same thing at Isabelle's request, I woke up not to Jace but an excited Isabell begging me to spy with her.
She said, Alec and Jace, we're talking about me and "since I was the subject of their discussion I should get to hear it, " bet she didn't expect me to lose my shit though, hope it didn't make her hate me, I'm starting to really like that girl.

"Take a seat dear," she says as I follow her into a room that's been converted into an office.

Her words are polite but I can tell the last place she wants to be is in a room with Valentine's daughter and I don't blame her not even a little.

"Look," I say, " I joined Shadows of the night to help me deal with my own past but I fell in love. Being in that ring is the only thing that felt right in my life for the past two years. Until I met your son. I know everyone questions my intentions and I can see why."

I take a deep breath, encouraging myself to continue," I have Valentine's blood coursing through my Veins but I am not his daughter. I hate him more than I could ever describe in words. I had no idea he even had ties to Shadows of the night until tonight and only just learned that I have a psychotic brother and that my father, in fact, owns the club I fight in."

I pause trying to read her expression but I draw a blank, I have no idea if she cares about what I have to say or just wishes I would shut the hell up.
Probably the ladder, I kinda wish I would shut up to.

"Anyway," I say as I'm met by more silence, "now that I know who exactly I'm fighting for I want out,  I want to be here, I want to fight for Legends of the fall. If I win this last fight, I'm going to have all the funds transferred here and then if you would have me I would very much like to transfer myself as well."

She looks surprised, shocked beyond belief but I can't tell if it a good kind of shocked or bad. I'm trying not to let my nerves get to me, they don't need me here, why would she? She has Jace who is just as amazing as me. If she doesn't want me in, I'll understand but it won't change my choices. I will still transfer the winnings after I take my share. The winner of the final fights wins two sums, one for themselves, the other for their chosen club, obviously, the club they fight for, however, it isn't a rule more like a given.

Either way, the club winnings will be transferred here, that's already decided, the only thing left hanging in the balance is if I'll be able to fight again. Because I won't fight for him, I would rather give up what I love, all that I am than let it turn me into his weapon of destruction. I won't do it, I won't let him have more power, he can force his one and only fucking son to do his dirty work or should I say continue.

I'm met by more radio silence, it does nothing to calm my nerves.
Calm down Clary, you'll be fine either way.

I will be fine regardless of her decision, I have to be. I can fight anywhere.
But I can only be with Jace here.

That last thought makes me that much more fearful to hear her answer and I'm not afraid of anything. But having to choose between what I love to do and who I'm starting to fall in love with is fucking terrifying. They say love is scary and by the angel, they aren't lying.

She looks at me another expression I can't read as she stands up and walks toward me coming to a stop right in front of me.

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Published 3/18/19

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