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Two weeks later-

I walk hand in hand with Jace to the rooftop above the Amelia, my new favorite spot in New York, maybe even in the world just because of who introduced me to this breathtaking place.

I remember telling him I wanted to go back but then a bunch of crazy happened and a lot of shit went down. My father, for the time being, is still in jail, he hasn't been able to weasel himself out yet but I won't hold my breath. He is Valentine after all but for now, he's kept in a cell and he's miserable.

That thought alone is enough to make me unbelievably happy. Unfortunately as happy as I am Valentine is locked away I'm equally torn up over my brother suffering the same fate. I've been to see him despite the protests of pretty much everyone. Izzy is the only one who doesn't object. Jace gets it but he doesn't want me anywhere near a prison which is understandable.

But I won't abandon my brother, he deserves somebody in his corner. I visit him about once a week, bringing him a few things that are on the approved lists. He says I'm what keeps him going. It makes me sad that I'm all he has. It makes me remember that before me he had nothing and I have so much. I will never take any of my loved ones for granted again.

Since the fight everything else has fallen into place me and Jace are the co-leaders of Legends Of the fall, it's never been done before so we're making up the rules as we go. Jace also being the owner has its perks like that. We've agreed to alternate weeks, we fight as a team, taking turns so we can both get our time in the ring while the other cheers on from the sidelines. It might be a little different but aren't all the best things in life?

Strange only sets you apart from the bland. I still go by Phoenix but Jace is now called the lion. It was my idea and it's absolutely perfect.

I take my seat on the stool in front of the canvas that still sits in front of the skyline only now with a brush in my hand a new picture forms in my mind, "paint me like one of your french boys Clary." Jace smirks.

When I roll my eyes he laughs, "what you're the one who forced me to watch Titanic."

"Because it was considered an insult that you've never seen it, " I say laughing, " now sit and hush so I can focus, you're too distracting being adorable."

I get to work, brush after brush, stroke after stroke getting lost in the swirl of colors until I have a beautiful abstract piece of art.
Jace comes to rest at my side, "I love it, Clary, it's us."
And it is, with the fire at the bottom of the canvas, the flames rising up as if reaching for something. A lion leaps over, golden skin to match his golden eyes that are set in front of him to the object of his desire, he's sprinting to meet his Phoenix who's red wings blazes brighter than the fire itself as she's flying straight to him. Her green eyes set on the golden leaping lion that completed her. Rising up from the flames in the smoke right below them is a simple heart.

Symbolizing everything we've gone through, we have beaten every obstacle that has been thrown our way and we've done it together. Because that's what soulmates do.

I sign the corner and then get up stretching my hands, "it's perfect Clary, it's... beautiful."

A million thoughts race across my mind as my new beginning stretches itself out before me. My brother, my father but I lock it away.
I look up at Jace as he lays down a green thick blanket on the concrete, I put those thoughts out of my mind so I can fully live in the moment. A lot of bad things have happened to me but a lot of truly wonderful things have happened to I think as I see the sunlight reflect off that golden hair.

"It's only fitting that our first official date since our last date is on your birthday."

"You can't have a second first date, " I say grinning.

He shrugs, "we can redo our first date as many times as we want."

"It was pretty perfect," I say smiling at the memory.

"Every date, every day is perfect with you Fray, " he says as he takes a beautifully wrapped box out of his pocket, the shiny wrapping paper spelling out I love you in several languages.

"Jace," I say shaking my head, "you already gave me my present."

"Correction, " he says with his signature smirk, " I gave you your early birthday presents, I saved the best for last."

He opens my hands and places the box in my fingers. Carefully I unwrap the paper to reveal a square-shaped box, as I open it once again I'm in awe, I trace the ember gold chain, somehow this one chain captures the gold in his hair and the deep red set of my own. Attached is an elegant pendant of a single flame.

"Jace, this is beautiful, it's perfect. You're perfect."

He takes the necklace and fastens it around my neck bringing his lips closer to my ear in the progress, "for the girl that sets my world ablaze." He whispers reciting his words from when I agreed to the date that changed my life.

" Every time, " I tell him, "every time I think it's impossible to fall even more in love with you than I already am, somehow you manage to make me fall harder."

He smiles caressing my cheek with those strong rough hands, " and I will never stop falling in love with you Ember. You know," he says as he brushes his lips alongside my jawline, "I didn't only nickname you Ember because of your fiery hair and even fiercer personality. The second I laid eyes on you, you stirred up something inside of me. Like a single flame turning into a wildlife with a single glance you burned down all of my walls. You are the single best thing that has ever happened to me, what I'm most proud of, my greatest achievement is somehow making you believe I was good enough for you. Everything I like about me is you. Seeing myself in your eyes... I found myself again. You are my hope Clary Fray, Morgenstern, Graymark, whatever you want to call yourself. You are my everything."

"Oh Jace," I say as tears pour out from my eyes, " you don't have to wonder if you're good enough for me, you're more than enough, so much more than enough. Before you all I saw was darkness. I met you and for once I saw a light at the end of that tunnel of despair, a golden light in the form of this beautiful sunlight hair," I say as I tug a strand and tuck the loose ends behind his ear, " as cheesy as it sounds you've been like my flashlight. Whatever darkness threatened to consume me whatever demon I had to face, whether it is my father, my past or both you've been there, your light shining the way back home. I was lost and then you found me, Jace. I love you. Don't ever think you're not enough for me Jace Wayland because you're everything."

"And you found me, I love you, Clary," he says melding our lips together once again. I don't know what the future holds, I don't know if Valentine will see the light of day, I don't know what's in store for the two leaders of Legends of the fall but what I do know, the one thing I am absolutely certain of is whatever comes our way we will face together. The lion and the Phoenix rising out from the ashes to smoke whatever dare stand in their way.

Thank you for going on this journey with me! If you would like to win a copy of the edited version with all the name changes you guys have voted for when I publish leave a comment and vote. Say where your from in the comments. :) and I will have more stories. My Season 4 is halfway done. I love you guys. ♥️

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