Chapter 21

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I walk into my flat slamming the door behind me so hard a framed photo falls to the ground

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I walk into my flat slamming the door behind me so hard a framed photo falls to the ground. I bend to pick it up and when I see it's the photo of me and my father Valentine I slam it back to the ground.
I just killed my sister.
I sink to the ground as that paralyzing thought crashes over me.

What has become of me? I just wanted to be close to my father and somehow, I've let him turn me into a monster. I've lost count of how many people I've killed, how many lives I've destroyed, and what's worse until now I didn't even feel bad, I didn't even think twice about taking someone's last breath and now it's all I can fucking think about.

I touch the base of my neck where my birthmark is, the same mark that clary has... had. I didn't just kill her I tortured her. All this time my father made me feel like he was the only person I had, like without him I was nothing, I had no one. But there was a part of me out here all along.
I hear a banging on the door and get up to answer it knowing all to well who is waiting on me from the other side. I throw the door open before he beats the damn thing off its hinges. As soon as he marches in my hands are around his neck. I lift him in the air and slam him against the wall.

'So, I guess you know? What are you going to do Johnathan kill me? I'm your father, your very skilled and trained father. Do you honestly thing you have a chance against me?"

My hands tighten around his neck, "Why not? You trained me to take on the best. Isn't that what you claim to be?" I throw him across the room, the short fuse I have always had has reached its limit. I pull the gun from my side and point it directly at his forehead. "Start talking and when you stop I'll decide if your worth sparing but be warned the outlook isn't so good."

"Is the job done?"

A dry chuckle escapes my lips I don't know why I'm surprised, I have a gun trained on his head and the first thing he asks is if I did my duty. "Yes," I say through gritted teeth.

He smiles then, "respectable job son, you knew it was your sister and you still finished her off, I knew I found you for a reason!"

"I didn't know until it was too late," I say trying with all my might not to pull the trigger.
He looks at me with disgust then, it's no different than how I now look at him. "Start talking," I say again, my patience wearing thin.

"What do you want to know? Where do you want me to start?"

"All of it, I want to know why Clary had a different last name, I want to know why you wanted your own daughter killed, I want to know how you hid an entire family! I want the truth now or so help me Valentine I will end your insufferable life right now."

"Really Johnathan because now I really am your only family, it was a lie before, but it isn't now is it? You have only yourself to blame. But fine you want the truth? Well here it is!"

By the Angel Where stories live. Discover now