Chapter 52

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Clarys POV

Just like that Simon is out the door faster than I have ever seen him run. However, it doesn't seem to be fast enough. Izzy's panicked eyes meet mine for a moment before we are out of-of our seats chasing after the boys.

I didn't think they would take the news well but I sure as hell didn't think they would try to kill poor Simon.

When I catch up to Jace he has Simon dangling in the air and he's shaking him like a rag doll.
"Really screech? First, you have a crush on my girlfriend now my sister?"

"I knew Clary long before she was your girlfriend! And Izzy is an adult, you're not the boss of her or me for that matter."
Jace smirks as if Simon is nothing more than a nat waiting to be swat.
I see both Alec and Jace's eyes flare, so without thinking I step forward and twist Jace's wrist until he releases my best friend.

"You're both acting like children, Isabel can do whatever with whoever she wants."

"You might be able to boss Jace around but Fray I don't take orders from you."

Alec moves to grab Simon but before he makes contact I release Jace's wrist and latch onto Alec's arms twisting it until he waves the imaginary white flag.

When I let him go he looks flustered if not a little bit impressed, "how in the hell can such enormous power come from such a small individual? Did you train with professional wrestlers?"

"Nope, taught myself, " I say proudly, "now are we done acting like two-year-olds? Or would you like for me to demonstrate my power again?"

"Two? I think we acted at least seven." Jace says with his signature smirk.

Despite myself, I smile at him, "Fine are you done acting like seven-year-olds? Nobody is going to hurt Simon if you have other intentions you have to go through me. And no Jace your sexy little grin doesn't give you immunity. Simon is my best friend you don't have to like him but both of you will keep your hands off of him. Now, " I say to their gaping jaws, "who wants pancakes? I think Alec and Jace are making the rest of us breakfast to make up for their rudeness."

"Jace?" Alec says annoyed, "your girlfriend thinks she can boss me around."

"Yep, " he says trying not to laugh.

"Well, " Alec says exasperated, " are you going to do something about this?"

"Nope, " Jace says taking my hand, "not a damn thing."

As we go back inside the house Magnus shoves his phone into Alec's hands, " here's a youtube video, I want my pancakes to have chocolate chips in them. Also, I want biscuits. The edible kind, not the Clary kind."

Before anyone else gets the joke Magnus and I  are doubled over gasping for air. It never gets old and it feels good to laugh again. I almost feel normal.

" Cute, " Alec growls through gritted teeth, "It's damn right adorable," Alec says as he opens the cabinet and slams all the ingredients down with more force than necessary.

Thirty minutes later and the boys are covered with flour and an assortment of other ingredients. Jace serves me my plate of pancakes and then sits in front of me with his chin propped on his elbows.

"You look like a powder cake, " I say noting the flour all over his face...and biceps. Even covered in breakfasts ingredients he still looks delicious as ever.

"Oh yeah? So do you, " for a moment I'm confused until Jace starts rubbing his cheeks against mine. By the time he releases me I'm covered in flour.

"Told you, " he smirks and then proceeds to poke my nose with his index finger.

"BOOP, " that's all it takes for me to lose it, I'm laughing so hard I think I might cry.

"In love, Jace is even more annoying than regular Jace." Magnus muses.

Simon takes Izzy's hand almost absentmindedly and before Alec can even say it Izzy is already cutting him off, "this has turned into a wonderful morning don't ruin it by being you. He's my boyfriend, he's allowed to hold my hand."

"Boyfriend? Now the pipsqueak is your boyfriend? You just met him!" Alec fumes.

Jace says nothing on the topic because he knows people will say the same about us. But really time doesn't even matter. If you have a spark you do if you don't you don't. We have a more solid relationship than couples who have been together for years.

"Anything to say on the subject, Jace?"

"Nope, I do however think Izzy can do better, but if she wants to downgrade to screech then so be it, I will say this though he has excellent taste in friends," he says nuzzling my ear.

"So just like that, you're fine with it? You went from rottweiler to golden retriever in five seconds."

Jace shrugs his shoulders, "Clary asked me to accept it so I have. I don't like it but it's not like our opinion will be taken into consideration besides we have all met and fell in love with our soulmate within split seconds. We really have no room to judge, not that Simons even close to being a match for our sister but let them fizzle out on their own."

It's better than trying to kill him at least.
At this point, I think that's about all I could ask for. I think Simon might actually be just what Izzy needs.

"That's so sweet Jace, thank you, I knew I was growing on you."

"I take it all back, " Jace says not missing a beat probably only half kidding. I look at the two guys I love more than anything bickering and all I can think about is how much I missed them, how much I missed all of them.

I wasn't in that cell long but it felt so much longer. There was a gaping hole when I was without them and now I wish I could say that didn't still hold true. But it is, I miss my brother, nobody would understand it, I'm not sure I understand it myself. I sure as hell don't miss being away from my family or my freedom being stripped away but I do miss him.

I don't know if it's just the idea of having a brother or actually him I miss but I guess it doesn't really matter.

I've wanted a brother for so long that doesn't just go away because who you wished for is someone you didn't expect. It was easy to hate him when I thought he was nothing more than a Valentine clone. A warrior like myself only raised for destruction but now?  I don't know what to think, I know how I should feel.

I just can't hate him not when I know it could have so easily been myself in his place.

"Fine, "Alec says, "date the strange nerd, I don't even care anymore. We have bigger issues to address than Izzy's fail of a love life, when are you talking to Alcante?"

"In the morning, "Jace says looking relieved. I thought he was going to bring up our crimes to and I'm glad he didn't, I don't even want to think about it. They can't arrest you for killing someone in self-defense right? I guess they could for not informing the police but the bad guys are the police in this case so I don't know what the fuck to do. I'm sure James wasn't the only bad cop in the bunch.

"Or, I'll tell him right now, " Jace says as he looks down at his ringing phone.

He answers it as he steps outside, me and Alec share a look, "hope you're ready to get your ass kicked, I'm pretty sure Jace can talk anyone into anything anytime, " I tell him to which he just rolls his eyes but not before I catch the small grin.

"We'll see red, we'll see."

Thanks for reading guys! Please don't forget to vote and comment I'm getting close to the end and might do a sequel! Anyway, I found out that some jackass took my books and put them on some weird sight. So if you guys see this anywhere else let me know! Love you all!
If you want a sequel leave it in the comments as #Sequel. :)
Published 7/18/19 by Tori Cole only on Wattpad! Not TRUYENFUN they do not have permission.

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