Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Clary pov

I look in the mirror as I twist the last strand of hair in place. I'm wearing a deep purple bandage dress, the beautiful violet fabric crisscrossing all the way down, ending well before my knee. I tighten the straps around my neck so the top leaves my cleavage in a perfect v. My hair is in a loose bohemian style braid, an few curls left out to frame my face.

I finish applying my thick black eyeliner and ruby lipstick, then I survey myself in the mirror. I smile down at my reflection loving the way this dress fits so tightly. Too bad after this I'm going to have to return it.

I walk out the door, as soon as I walk out of my room Luke whistles. Around the time Valentine returned Luke cleaned out his spare room that before was filled with boxes of books and converted it into a beautiful bedroom.

"What do you think?"
I ask as I spin around.

"I think you look awfully beautiful for someone going on a date with a boy to get him off your back, " he says quoting my lies.

"So, I can't look good breaking hearts?"

"Is that a new dress? " he counters. Busted, I'm so busted. I went out and bought a dress I can't afford to impress a guy I shouldn't want. That's what I've let myself turn into.

"Fine, " I say through gritted teeth, " I like him." That one statement is almost impossible for me to admit out loud. I don't even want to admit it to myself inside my own head.

I promised myself I wouldn't ever get like this over a guy again but here I am hiding the tags on a dress not in my budget, that I plan on returning tomorrow.

Sebastian is perfect for me, he's polite, safe but of course I want the guy that I can't guard myself against. The guy that has awoken a part of me that's been otherwise numb for years.

"Good, now was that so hard to admit?"

"You have no idea, " is what I want to say but don't. I think I've had enough confessions to last me a lifetime, or at least to the end of mine.

"Clary, I can see how much you care for this Jace already."

I go to interrupt him, to deny what I just fessed up to. Claim it's only a little crush that will evaporate once I spend more than five minutes alone with him. Which I'm still hanging on to that shred of hope will happen.

He holds his hand up, " I know you, Clary, you're my daughter, you don't have to put up a front with me."

I sigh, knowing he's right, "I know its just... you, Simon and Magnus are the only men in my life, hell the only people that have never let me down. I'm not sure I'm ready to let someone else have that kind of power over me."

"If it's the right person it won't be power it will be love. Not saying this guy is anything close to your soulmate but I've watched you close yourself off to the world for years. Everyone you trust now you already did before, you haven't let anyone close to your heart or just you in general until this boy. I've never seen you have that smile, " he points up at me. I didn't even realize I was smiling.

"I want to see that more often, the protector in me wants to hide you away and never let you date but I want you to be happy more than I want to feel comfortable."

"I thought you didn't even like Jace."

"I don't but you do and that's what matters... besides Magnus might have vouched for the guy."

The doorbell rings and I immediately feel the nerves bubbling up inside of me. "One last thing, " Luke says, " if this goes further like I'm sure it will, you're going to have to... tell him about Valentine."

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