Chapter 29

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Jace cuts the ignition, before I can even step off the bike Simon skids to a stop at my feet.
"Clary, what the hell?" Simon says looking beyond pissed and I can't fathom why I mean I get he was worried I forgot to check in but I can't check in every single time I go out.

"What the hell happened to your neck did he hurt you?!" he bows up to Jace in a fit of rage, " If you did this I'll..."

"Simon, " I interrupt before he can continue to spew more unneeded hatred, " this wasn't Jace's doing, " he nods in understanding but it seems as if his fury has yet to cease.

"It won't stop talking," Alec says through gritted teeth, " it keeps following me around barking at me like a damn puppy, control it Clary for the love of the Angel control this thing!"

"First off I am not an it! I'm a who!" And second, if you don't want to put up with me maybe you should tell your friend not to kidnap my... friend."

"Do you hear yourself?" Alec says exasperated, " your friend, she's your friend and you're acting like her boyfriend but you're not, Jace is."

I gap in horror at Alec who just shrugs his shoulders, "sorry Clary someone had to rip the bandaid off."

"You... you're dating him?" He asks calmly but the look on his face looks anything but.

"Yes, " I say as gently as I can.

He nods his head in resolute, "whatever if you want to date Mr. beefcake go right ahead, I'll still be here when he breaks your heart. Just like I always am. Like I always will be."

"Simon," I say feeling like the worst best friend in the history of friendships. He looks so hurt and I just don't know how to make it better, I don't even know why he's so mad, all I know is that I have to fix it.

"It's fine Clary are we still on for our date?" I feel Jace stiffen at my side, his use of wording seems like it's purposefully misleading.

"It's not a date," Jace says with a hint of agitation, " and yes it's still on and I'm joining you."

"You invited him?"
Great now he's madder.
I'm making my best friend angrier by the second without even saying anything.

Jace starts to reply with what I can only imagine would be as snarky as Simons outburst but before Jace can finish Simon cuts him off,   " wasn't asking you beefcake!"

"Simon do you want to talk in private?" I all but plead wanting to make that sad expression on his face disappear.

"No don't worry about it, " he says as he spins on his heel and storms off.

What am I going to do?

"No, my Precious, Jace stole my precious!" Alec says sounding exactly like Gollum. Without thinking I chuckle and then feel guilty, it's not funny.

"Alec, you should have let me tell him," I think it made things that much worse coming from him.

Jace is still laughing when I glare at him, " I'm sorry Clary I'm not laughing at your friend it's just Alec so rarely makes a joke."

"That's an accurate statement, " Alec says grinning.

"Yeah, so is the fact that I should have been the one to tell Simon, do you want to break the news to my dad too?"

"You're dads a psychopath, why would I talk to him at all?"

"She means her father Luke, " Jace says.

"Oh that makes more sense, Nah I'll let you take the reigns on that one."

"You're less grumpy than usual and less rude, it's weird," I say to him trying to figure out if he hates me less or is just putting up with me for Jace.

"That's because I like-ish you now." I don't even know what that means but coming from Alec, I'll take it.

"like-ish?" Jace asks clearly amused.

"Yeah, " Alec replies, " this morning I liked you but then your friend annoyed me so now I like-ish you."

"I like-ish you too Alec, I like-ish you too."

When Alec isn't shooting death glares at me and insulting me every five minutes he actually is pretty funny. I would have never guessed.

Jace wraps his arm around me as we walk into school. Nobody notices us slip into the hallways as it fills up with more and more students.

Alec disappears down the hall as Jace walks me to our class, "I think your growing on him."

I hope so.

I want his entire family to like me but I'll settle for not hate. I sit down as Jace takes his seat next to me. I take my notebook out distracted. I still don't know how I'm going to fix things with Simon, I guess first I should find out what's really bothering him. I think he's just worried about me that's why I invited Jace once Simon sees how great he is he'll be alright.

"Looking as beautiful as ever Cherry," Sebastian says not realizing Jace's hand is firmly attached to mine. Or he does and just doesn't care.

"Agreed my girlfriend is insanely gorgeous," Jace says squeezing my hand. Sebastian looks instantly pissed off. Which makes no sense.

"Really cherry? Him?"

"Yes," I say through gritted teeth, getting really tired of the judgment. Last I checked I could do whatever the damn hell I want.

"Didn't think asshole was your type."
Alright, now I'm pissed.
Simon gets a pass because he's my best friend but Sebastian? He can piss right the hell off."

"It's not that's why I'm dating Jace, " and not you. I stop myself from adding.

" I just don't get it, " he says his voice rising above a whisper.

"You don't have to get it, you aren't the one dating him and frankly it's none of your concern."

"Yeah but..."
Before Sebastian can finish his thought he's interrupted by Mr. Santiago, "Sebastian would you care to take over my lecture? Or may I continue without your distractions?"

Sebastian sinks down in his chair clearly embarrassed.
Serves him right.
Sebastian is my friend but he doesn't get to judge me for who I decide to date, nor does he get to call Jace names.


"You coming to lunch?"

I look in my locker again for my scrapbook, " I think I left my scrapbook in Santiago's class I'm going to go get it."

"Alright baby, I'll get you pizza, " he says kissing me on the forehead.

"Best boyfriend ever."

"Well, " he says backing up down the hall I do try."
I can't help but smiling as I walk down the hall. I walk back to the classroom only to find the good shut. Which is weird, I thought this was Santiago's free period.

I turn the doorknob, which wasn't my best idea I must admit only to find Santiago and a dark-haired girl making out, I look closer to see its not just any girl its Isabelle Lightwood.

I try to slip out before I'm noticed but, "Clary?"
I'm noticed.
Cornered I do the only thing I can do, I grab my scrapbook because why not I'm already caught and get the hell out of there.

Thanks for reading guys! Sorry, I'm pretty sick right now, love all of you angels. Don't forget to vote and comment. ♥️
Published 3/24/19

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