Chapter 51

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Clary POV

"You want me to take your place? If you could even somehow manage to convince Alicante to let you why would I? That's not how it works Jace."

"Well, then how about you Izzy? You care to get in the ring with my girl? I just can't lay a finger on my Ember." Jace says kissing me on the cheek. To which Alec replies wit a groan.

"I'm not punching my new bestie, sorry Jace," Izzy says, " now if the opponent was you that would be a different story."

"Fine, I'll do it, you get the okay from Alicante, I'll do it but I'm not going easy on you Clary."

"I would find it insulting if you did Alec, I except absolutely nothing but your best when I wipe the floor with you." He starts to laugh and so do I but that doesn't make my threat any less serious. He's going down, I think back to all the fights I've won, every victory I pictured Johnathan as my target but now? He's not the villain in my story.

My father will take his place as my bullseye. He's the reason for everything. Every single thing that has gone wrong in my life, the blame lies solely on his shoulders. One day I won't have to picture him in the ring because he'll be dead before my feet.

"Assuming you can actually get Alicante to agree, I mean let's be real, " Alec says in that know it all voice that is sort of annoying, "you might be his best fighter, the best fighter but Jace you're not exactly his favorite person at the moment. I told you not to charge down there in front of everyone to save a damsel who turns out can take care of herself but you never listen to me and now you're on his shit list."

"Alec, " Magnus starts but Alec waves him off to continue his long-winded speech.
"I'm not bashing you, I'm just warning you how this discussion of yours is likely to play out."

"He'll agree, " Jace says slowly, "because I'm not giving him a choice."

"What are you going to kill him too?" Alec says dryly.
So much for not bashing him before.

"Of course not Alec, it makes no difference to Alicante who wins or who loses, as long as it's one hell of a fight. Which I won't give him, I'll let Clary kick my ass."

I gasp before I can control my self, "you will not! I'm not going to fight some stick figure, Jace Wayland. If you're in the ring with me, you bring your best."

The fact that he would even think that would be remotely okay with me. Him just throwing a fight. I won't win like that, not ever. That isn't a victory it's a damn giveaway and I don't fucking take handouts. Never have, never will. I either win toe to toe or I don't win at all.

"Clary, " he says quietly, almost pleading but I'm not having it.

"No Jace, the answer is no."

He groans as he throws his hands up in defeat. I can't help but smile at his frustration, "still not used to being told no? It's okay baby, you'll get used to it, saying no is kind of my thing. "

"No being stubborn is your thing."

"Or, " I say pausing for dramatic effect, " knowing what's best for me is my thing." He starts laughing hysterically as he wraps his arm around me tightly.

"It's one of the best things about you Clary Fray among so many others."

Before I know it I'm blasted in the face with cold water, "damn it, Magnus, " I groan stop doing that." When my eyes focus I notice the bedazzled spray bottle in his hands only now instead of Jace being labeled on the side it now reads Clace.


"No making kittens in front of company, in fact, Clary isn't allowed to breed until she is THIRTY!"

Jace just loses it, his chest is heaving, he's laughing so hard, "Magnus calm down with the parenting shit."

"Well somebody has to step in for her in the place of the deadbeats." As soon as the words escape Magnus's lips he looks like he wants to swallow them back whole. The guilt that washes over his features tugs at my heartstrings.

"I'm sorry Clary, I didn't mean..."

Before he can drown in his guilt I hold my hand up stopping him," don't worry about it Mags you're my family they're not, never forget that."

"And you never forget that I'm here for you, you're my family forever, our bond, well there is no breaking that, you hear me biscuit? Never."

"Never," I repeat, his words may have stung briefly but only because they're true. My parents are worse than deadbeats, hell I wish they were, at least then I wouldn't have to see them, I would rather have an absent father than a father hell-bent on being your destruction. But I meant every word I said, I don't need them, family isn't restricted to blood, sometimes the bonds you form outside of your kin are the strongest.

I don't need the family I was born into because I have the one I chose. They say blood is thicker than water which yeah, in a way that's true but love, love is stronger than both, it's stronger than everything.

"So," Izzy says breaking the silence," this Alicante business can wait for the morning, are you two love doves returning to school with me in the morning?"

"Clary is up?" Simon says interrupting my response, "Izzy why didn't you wake me up?" As soon as Simon enters the room her cheeks turn scarlet.
As a matter of fact, when Simon notices five pairs of eyes greeting him his does as well. It's so obvious something happened and honestly I couldn't be more thrilled. Simon deserves the very best, someone, who wants him exactly how he is and Isabella Lightwood is wonderful for him. True I wouldn't think Simon would normally her type but maybe that's a good thing.

I doubt things would have gone further with Raphel, he is our teacher after all. I want nothing more than to take Izzy's arm and drag her out of here so she can tell me every single detail but that's going obvious so I'll wait. Whoever said patience is a virtue has no idea.

Alec is glaring at Simon like he wants his head to explode and there isn't a doubt in my mind he's picturing just that in horrifying detail.

"Did you sleep over? Were you in my sister's room all night?"Alec nearly shouts.

At that Jaces head snaps up, "Alec, don't be absurd, why would you even suggest that?"

Alec's annoyed gaze now is pinned on Jace "did you not just see the look?" he pauses for a moment, " of course you didn't you haven't taken your eyes off Clary."

"What look?" Jace says coldly.

"The one that oozed sexual tension!" Magnus unhelpfully adds as he waves his hands in the air.
Jace is staring at Simon like he could strangle my best friend without blinking.

I really need to defuse the situation but I have no idea where to start. Unfortunately, Magnus chooses this very second to make things worse.

"I pronounce you SIZZY!" I for one adore the couple name however that's not what I would have said in this very moment. I would have waited until that little vein in Alec's forehead wasn't throbbing or until Jace's biceps weren't bursting out of his shirt from pure rage. For a moment I forget about everything but those damn arms... they're just so... before I can finish my perverted thoughts Alec breaks the silence by adding more tension.

"You think you can defile my sister?!" Alec demands.

"Run, Screech, now!" Jace says looking like he's seconds away from throttling poor Simon.

Hey loves!!! Hope you enjoyed please pretty please vote and comment! Also, can you guys check out my YouTube video of me singing the song I wrote inspired by Sam Winchester? I'm going to start doing videos if enough people are interested. My username is wolfgirl657 I have two songs for the save Shadowhunters campaign on there as well.
If you search Can you see him now? It's like the 5th video to pop up. Subscribe to me and I'll do the same!! ❤️❤️❤️
If you are reading this TRUYEN ITS STOLEN!
This is MY STORY!  TRUYEN NEEDS TO TAKE MY STUFF OFF! They do not have permission!
Published 7/10/19

By the Angel Where stories live. Discover now