Chapter 10

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"Jace?" I repeat, when I get no response I walk up to where he's sitting stopping when my knees brush alongside his. The moment of contact his eyes snap up to meet mine.

"I'm sorry if I upset you... I can leave if you don't want me here..."

As soon as the words escape my lips he's shaking his head adamantly. He takes my hand in his, the sparks once again shooting through my veins. "It's not that Clary..."

"I clearly did something to upset you." I finish lamely.

"Quite the opposite, " he says in a shaking voice.

Still grasping the hand that makes me feel more alive than any other embrace has I bend down. Not caring or even noticing my dress ride up slightly or the dirt or gunk I'm kneeling in.

"What is it?" I ask, my new position bringing me that much closer to those perfect lips.

Those golden eyes lift up to meet mine, I think he notices our newfound closeness because his breath hitches. "You make me feel too much, all my life I've gone through the motions. Never once caring about anything or anyone aside from my family. But then you come along and it's like my body is making up for all the years It felt nothing."

He let's go of my hand and places both of his on either side of my face, "you're like a beautiful tornado turning my world upside down and I'm falling Clary. I'm falling so damn hard."

His eyes feel with panic as he continues, " I've done it now, I've freaked you out, I'm sorry I know how I feel is crazy, everyone tells me so, I've only known you a few days... I shouldn't feel this strongly but I can't help it, it doesn't feel like days to me, it's like I've known you for years. I'm sorry, I'm ruining this, I'm crazy and I know it's one sided..."

"It's not one sided," I surprise myself by saying. He looks up at me, astonishment reflecting in those beautiful hopeful eyes.

"It's not?"

I shake my head, "not after tonight," as I say it I'm consumed with a need to touch him, slowly I stand up and then gently rest my knees on top of his, sitting on his lap, I wrap my arms around him, burying my face in his neck, letting the scent of sandalwood waft over me, his scent. As much as I want to kiss him I don't, the moment doesn't call for it.

"If you're crazy for how you feel... then so am I," I say Into his neck and I mean every word. He holds on to me tighter, as if my embrace is all that keeps him anchored to reality and can I really say it's so different for me?

After tonight, seeing this part of Jace, there is no going back not for me and I'm almost positive he feels the same.

I don't know how long we sit there holding on to each other, all I know is in his arms time seems to stop. Or not matter at all.

I reluctantly get off of him momentarily embarrassed of my reaction. I practically straddled him. My doubt only lasts for a moment because he looks up at me then. So much emotion reflecting in those gold eyes. He's looking at me like I'm his only light through the darkness, washing away every ounce of uncertainty I ever could have had.

He bites his lip as he smiles up at me, "you know, as much I want to show you all the other surprises I have in store for you I think I might miss you on my lap too much."

"There's more?" I ask astonished.

He smiles as he takes what looks like a control out of his pocket and presses play. For the first time, I notice a projector down below and covering the screen is a thin white sheet. As soon as his graceful fingers run across the remote a movie starts to play. And then I realize it isn't just a movie but my favorite. When I look back at him he's holding a pizza.

By the Angel Where stories live. Discover now