Chapter 28

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"Clary, " he says, placing his hands on either side of my cheeks, " stop waiting for me to leave you because it's never going to happen."

"But it's dangerous, " I argue, half inwardly leaping for joy, half begging for him to tell me to leave, forcing me to keep him safe.

"Clary, " he says again, " I'm not afraid of your father, the only thing that terrifies me beyond belief is being without you."

"Well, who can argue with that logic? I'm glad you don't want me to leave, I had my fingers crossed for that answer."

"And I had mine crossed for you, " he says wrapping his arms around me tightly. "We'll figure everything else out together. Everyone who has ever had a hand in hurting you will get what they deserve but for now, just sleep."

"But we're going to be late for school, " I say as I feel my eyelids getting heavier.

"Shh, just sleep baby."
He kisses me on the forehead and just like that I fall asleep and for the first time since I could remember I didn't dream about my own death or any of the other horrific images that are always plaguing my mind just blissful nothingness and Jace.


When I finally open my eyes I see that it's 9:30, I've already slept through a class and a half. "Jace," I say gently removing his arm and all but jumping out of bed, "wake up, if we leave now we can make it in time for third period."

"No school today, mental health day. Now get your sexy ass back here, my arms miss you," he says as prompts me to lie down as I was before.

I shrug off my shorts and top, racing for my duffle bag, "Yes, school I'm working toward a scholarship and you're my ride," I walk up to him forgetting briefly that I'm in only my underwear.

His head snaps up as his eyes linger on me, "you know," he says, "when you're dressed like that I'll do whatever you want, whenever you want."

"If you think seducing me will make me skip school, Jace Wayland... it's only working a little."

He stands up inching closer to me, "only a little? I bet I could change your mind," he says grazing my ear.

He almost did too but then his phone rings. He groans as he answers it.
"Alec what?"
He nods looking more annoyed by the second and by the time he hangs up he looks pissed. "Your friend, have I told you I really don't like him?"

"Simon? What did he say something."

"Oh, he said a whole hell of a lot, like how I must have murdered you because we were both missing from school. Because if the new guy misses a day of school, naturally that means he's hiding a dead body, apparently."

Despite myself, I burst out laughing, I can't help it, the idea is just so hilarious to me. "I'm sorry Jace," I say in between gasps for air," everyone is so paranoid now and I forgot to check in."

"Well, he could have just called you before accusing someone of murder who's not even there to defend themselves. "

I take my phone off the nightstand and grimace when I see my call history. Sixty-seven calls from Simon, and seven from Luke along with multiple messages." I'm sure he was just kidding...  kinda sort of in a way that he totally meant it."

He looks down at me again with a wide grin on his face, "you should put some clothes on before I say to hell with what everyone thinks and throw you into bed."

"No arguments here, " I whisper in his ear.

He groans placing both of his hands on my bare shoulders and gently nudges my duffel bag over. I bend down to search through to clothes when he groans again, "Clary you're killing me."

I pull my jeans over my hips ignoring his lustrous stares because if I venture a look at him still in those boxers, bare chest, I won't be going to school today.

"I think you'll survive besides don't you want everyone to see I'm alive? To clear your name?" I ask trying and failing to keep a straight face.

He shrugs his shoulders, "let them think what they want I'd much rather have you in my arms again."

I throw on a blue v neck shirt with my leather jacket as I back out the door, "Stop flirting with me, Wayland."

"I just can't help myself around you, Clary."

My gaze falls to his chest and I have to physically snap my jaw back in place, " I'm gonna wait for you outside." I close the door behind me and then start walking from the stairs.
Get yourself together Clary.

I feel like I have to tell my self that every damn five minutes. I wanted to rip what little clothes hung off his body.
And what a body he has.

I need to get my damn hormones in check like yesterday because it's way too soon for that.

"You haven't left for school?" Maryse asks as I come to a stop at the foot of the stairs. Before I can answer Jace skids to a stop by my side.

"Figures you two are together, just be together at school."

"I thought after what Clary went through last night she could use a few hours to sleep in."

Maryse nods her head, " that's fair, run along now you two," she says hugging Jace and then to my surprise wrapping her arms around me as well," and be careful, watch out for each other. Don't ever think you're alone, don't get comfortable, Valentine has eyes and ears everywhere and he will strike."

She doesn't have to tell me twice, he will come for me, my family, unless I get to him first.

We start to walk outside when Maryse calls out from behind us," by the way your whole matching thing is adorable."

As the door clicks shut behind us I look down at his wardrobe consisting of a dark blue fitted v neck shirt, accompanied by a black leather jacket that looks a hell of a lot like the one draped around my own shoulders.

"Did you match me on purpose?"

"No of course not," he scoffs, " that would be lame, trying to match my girlfriend."

"You totally did!"

He shrugs those broad shoulders, "maybe subconsciously," he says a hint of a smile tugging at his lips.

He straddles his bike, once he's seated he holds out his hand to help me on. I wrap my arms around his waist, thanking the Angel for the hundredth time his choice of transportation allows me to hold on to him. Even through the leather and layers of clothing between our skin, I can still feel his warmth, I can feel everything.

I should probably be worrying about Simons reaction to me and Jace but I'm so overwhelmed by his closeness it doesn't even cross my mind, that is until he pulls into the parking lot and I see a pacing Simon wagging his finger at an angry Alec.

This isn't going to good.

Thanks so much for reading Angels! Don't forget to vote and comment! ♥️

Published 3/21/19

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