Chapter 53

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"What did he say?" I ask as Jace saunters back in the room though by the smirk on his face I can only assume what the answer is. Alec must know to because he rolls his eyes.

"You got Alcante to agree to this ridiculous idea?" How?"

"Because I'm Jace Wayland,' he grins and Alec groans." Please don't do that, I hate when you do that."

As the boys are bickering amongst themselves Izzy motions for me to follow her. As soon as I get up off that couch Simon grunts in protest, "you're going to leave me alone with them?"

"Don't be a baby Simon, you'll be fine, Magnus will protect you." Izzy says winking.

As I follow her up the stairs, I can hear Magnus mumble something along the lines of hell no.

As soon as the door is closed to Izzy's room, she's taking me by the hand and dragging me to her bed. "You're really okay with this? Truly? Clary if you aren't, tell me and I'll end it. I'm not going to ruin the only friendship I've ever had."

"Izzy," I say grasping her hands, "I'm more than okay with it, I am absolutely ecstatic, please don't worry about me I'm so happy for you both, however I do want details. Keep in mind that he is basically my brother so don't go into too much detail. I don't want to be scarred for life."

"I don't know you and Jace were off doing your own thing, Magnus and Alec were off doing I don't even want to know, and it just happened. I just kissed him. I don't even know what made me do it he was just babbling about Star Wars and I just kissed him."

It doesn't surprise me that Izzy had to make the first move, he has always been so shy. Every girl he asked out has been because I didn't give him a choice in the matter.
"He's not usually my type but I don't know he's funny and quirky and..."

"Isabella Lightwood you're blushing!" I say not exactly trying to embarrass her, just stating the facts.

"I so am not!" She shouts but we both know it's a lie her face is turning redder by the second and I love it," I don't blush ever, I just... it's make up. Anyway," she says trying to change the subject, "how are you? You don't have to tell me, but I wanted you to know I'm here if you need me. I know what you've went through wasn't easy."

"Thanks Izzy, that goes both ways you know, if you ever need anything I'm here and I'm as okay as to be expected. Johnathan didn't hurt me, he just..."

"kidnapped you against your will, held you hostage and put you in a cage?"

"Yeah that seems pretty accurate," I say laughing slightly. When she puts it like that, I sound even more delusional for wanting to understand my brother, for wanting anything to do with him at all.

"What all did he say? Sorry I'm totally over stepping my boundary's but that's kind of my thing, I don't know when to shut up feel free to tell me to shove off anytime."

"He said he was sorry, he said him finding out I was his sister changed his life and ever since he's been trying to right by me."

"And you believe him?" She asks quietly not a hint of judgement in her voice.

"I think I do, I mean it sounds crazy but I learned a lot over the past few days, he didn't kidnap me to hurt me, I guess he just wanted to protect me, how he went about is seven kinds of crazy but intent matters right?"

Before she can answer I continue before I lose my nerve, " I know he's telling the truth about Valentine, he sent that fucktard after me Izzy, I guess Johnathan has his own horde of people he gives orders to like Valentine only it seems his guys are switching teams."

"So Johnathan is good?" She asks confused.

"No definitely not but he's not the same man who hurt me either, he's... well I don't really know but he's not evil. He was when Valentine had him under his thumb but now? It's almost as if I'm his moral compass or something with the way he was talking."

She whistles, "that's quite the predicament you have found yourself in Clary Fray."

"Don't I always?" I say sarcastically. It never fails, someway or another I find myself in impossible situations.

She snorts, "that's true, you could have your own reality show, but seriously though," she says all the traces of humor gone," I get it, those idiots down there won't that's for sure but I understand. It's normal for you to want to know your brother, I wouldn't suggest trusting him or being alone with him but perhaps with back up you can visit him. And by back up I mean me, I got your back."

"You would do that for me?" I say truly shocked.

"Of course," she says automatically, "You're not just my brothers soulmate you're my friend and if you haven't noticed I don't exactly have many of those."

"Me neither," I admit, "besides Simon of course, Izzy your friendship means the world to me."

She smiles as she hugs me tight, "same, and I have a favor to ask you."

"Anything, " I say immediately meaning it, I would do anything for the girl sitting in front of me."

"Will you come with me to break it off with Rafael tomorrow? I usually handle these things myself but considering he's a teacher here... it would be nice to have some backup."

"You don't even have to ask Izzy of course."

"Thanks, Clary, now that all this serious business is handled I think we need a girls day. No boys, no brothers, no hot teachers, just you and me."

"That sounds amazing Izzy, what do you want to do?"

"Fight?" we say simultaneously, I'm so glad she's on the same page as me. It's been far too long since I've been in the ring and it's yo risky to go to my usual gym."

"Perfect!" she claps her hands together, " grab your gear and I'll take you to my secret place."

"You have a secret place too?"

She grins, "I love training with Alec and Jace but sometimes a girl just wants to do scissor kicks without a male audience. Then I'm taking you to pulse! It's an amazing nightclub, so bring something hot. As a matter of fact, can I dress you?"

"You know what, sure, I'm not really good at all this stuff, give me a boxing glove and I'll punch someone's lights out but give me a makeup brush and I'm lost."

She squeals as she runs around her room stuffing things into a bag, it only takes the girl what seems to be twelve seconds to put together two ensembles with matching shoes." are you ready? Because I'm ready?" she says ecstatically.

I nod following her down the steps, as soon as we make it to the bottom I hear the bickering, "Shh, " she says putting her finger to her lips, "Jace is all paranoid and I doubt he would let you out of his sight right now you can text him later."

I nod as we sneak out the back, I feel slightly guilty sneaking out like this but Izzy is right, Jace would insist on coming with us at best and I really need this. I'll text him everything later anyway so he won't worry.

We jump into her purple charger which I must say is beautiful and Izzy slams on the pedal flying through the streets. I lean back enjoying the ride.

A girls day is just what I needed.

Thanks for reading my loves! So sorry it took me so long! Writer's block! Sorry, this is a bland chapter but I wanted to give you something. Please vote and comment. And don't worry next chapter you will get the full girls day! Published 7/24/19

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