Chapter 4

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A thousand thoughts race across my mind as I barrel toward the ring. All rational thinking is gone, all I have left now is anger. Pure unadulterated rage, all directed at who now is my biggest enemy. If he lays one finger on her beautiful head, by the angel I swear I'll kill him. I'll fucking rip him limb from limb.

I'm still thirty feet away from the ring as they circle each other. I push myself to go faster and faster trying to make it in time. I'm going to grab that bastard by his ankles and drag him out here to face me.

But before I can get any closer, someone grabs me.

Salvador looks confused at first, Clary looks beyond fucking pissed. I look at who is trying and failing to drag me away from the ring, from her. "Alicante what are you doing?" I demand as I spin out of his hold.

"What am I doing? What on earth do you think you're doing? Couldn't wait for the fight in two weeks could you?"

Before I can answer him Salvador starts running his mouth. I knew it wouldn't take long for the confusion to wear off. I spin around to face him. Leaving Alicante yapping at my back.

"Awe Clary look! Your boyfriend is so mad! Are you regretting challenging me, sweetheart? That's adorable that your boyfriend is trying to bail you out. I guess you need a man to fight your battles after all don't you Princess?"

As soon as he calls her a princess something changes in her eyes. She looks more than angry, she looks murderous. I wish I could say that I was less attracted to her but it has the opposite effect.

I made myself look like a fool but what's worse, I made her look like one too. I hate myself for embarrassing her and by the look on her face, she hates me too.
Clary looks like she's about to explode and then she does.

"He's not my boyfriend nor do I need one to kick your ass! I fight my own battles. " She seethes

Alicante grabs my arm hard making it apparent that's the end of the conversation.
"You can't let him fight her, he's three times her size. He will crush her."

"She challenged him, Jace. Don't you get that? We can't ignore a challenge. I tried to talk her out of it, I tried and failed to convince her to stay on the women's side and you know what she said to me?"

"What?" I ask hesitantly not sure if I want to know.

"She said it was about time Shadows of the night had a female leader."

I look up at the fiery redhead I obviously know nothing about feeling like an idiot. Until Alicante snaps his fingers bringing my attention back to him.

"You get one freebie, Wayland because you're the best and you bring in the most money but don't you ever, ever, do something like this again. This is my establishment."

I just nod at him as I walk back to my seat. When I get back everyone looks pissed except for Magnus.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Alec fumes, "You just embarrassed our entire organization."

"I don't know Alec, okay? I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I know you're mad and I'm sorry to all of you."

Alec sighs." I get it, love makes us all act like idiots and I get it. I don't want her up there either but it was her decision."

"Thanks for trying to protect Clary." Magnus says quietly "I...I wasn't expecting that from you."

I nod, well at least it seems like I've earned his respect, too bad it took losing everyone else's.

Clary and Salvador start circling each other again. The need to run down there again overwhelms me, almost consuming me.

"Alec, " I say through clenched teeth, " keep a hold of my arm as hard as you can okay?"

By the Angel Where stories live. Discover now