Chapter 33

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I walk in only to find Jordan already sitting down waiting on us.
Please don't say anything stupid Jordan.
I send up a silent prayer to whoever may be on the receiving end but I know its all but futile. It's Jordan, of course, he's going to say something stupid, probably within the first thirty minutes.

"You call, " Jordan says holding out his arms, " and I answer."

"Jordan," I say as I sit down, hoping he gets the message to shut the hell up.

The message isn't well received because as soon as we're all sitting Jordan is eyeing Jace up and down not even worrying about Isabel.
Why did I think he could do this again? Why did I think he could be not Jordan for two seconds?

Izzy sits next to Jordan but he doesn't even notice, his eyes are trained on Jace, scrutinizing every single feature, as if looking for a flaw.
Well ,he won't find one.
"So this is the boyfriend? You took a step down."

Angel be damned, he never wanted to help me, he only wanted to... well I have no idea what he wants but it isn't good.

"Seems like ever since me, that's all you've done."

"The Hell Fray? Why is he here!" Jace immediately turns around ready to snap but stops short when he realizes Simons pale finger is pointed accusingly at Jordan.

"Clary called me so I came," he says nonchalantly.

The way Simon is looking at me now is exactly the reason I didn't want to call Jordan. I was just trying to help Izzy but I made a complete an utter mess, what else is new? It's like my damn superpower.

"I'm out of here."

"Wait!" I all but screech, "Jordans here for Izzy, he's her boyfriend, I say as I send the stiletto heel of my shoe into Jordan's kneecap.

"Uhh, yeah, " I'm he boyfriend."
Simons features relax slightly as he takes his seat by my side. My boyfriend and my best friend on either side of me... it can only get better from here, right?

I look at Jace and then at Simon both are glaring at Jordan with mutual hatred.
At least they have something in common.

"Really, " Jace says his voice oozing with venom, " you don't seem so sure." Jordan smiles with his head tilted slightly, "In fact, your gaze seems to be trained on my girlfriend instead of yours."

This was a really bad idea.
Jordan is sitting there all smug not even bothering to put up with pretenses.

"Isabelle, " Alec says sternly, "why aren't you more upset your, " he puts his fingers in quotation marks, "boyfriend, " he says knowingly, " is in love with Clary."

"By the angel Alec, fine you caught me, he's not my boyfriend you two don't get to meet him. Why would I introduce you to him? So you could scare him away like you did the others?"

"Isabel!" Alec says with an intense calm, " the sheer volume of your list of others just goes to show you how badly you need our help.

"Alec, " I say carefully, not wanting to overstep my boundaries. I just got him to not loathe me, I really don't feel like starting back at square one with him but something needs to be said, "that's a bit harsh."

He sighs, but he's not angry as I would expect, "You're right Clary, I'm sorry Izzy, " he says softening his tone, ever since dad died I've gone overboard wanting to keep you safe. It's kind of my thing."

"I know and I love you for it, both of you but I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself."

Alec nods, " I'll lay off... Kind of."

By the Angel Where stories live. Discover now