Chapter 50

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Jace's POV

I open my eyes and look down at the beautiful woman in my arms, I'm so fucking lucky. If I couldn't feel her skin underneath my fingertips, I would think I was dreaming. That it wouldn't be possible holding on to an angel but here I am, here she is.

She stirs in my arms as her emerald eyes meet mine, I can see my reflection as she gazes upon me as if I'm her knight and shining armor as if she would ever even need one but that's who I want to be for her.

"Hi, " she says, a blush forming on those rosy cheeks, looking as beautiful as the day I saw her and every day after that.

"You know, " I say, "I never thought someone would look as good as me waking up in the morning, let alone better but here you are looking like a Goddess fresh from her slumber."

"Damn Wayland, I knew you were smooth but damn, have to disagree though, " she whispers softly as she caresses my cheek, "you're like an avenging angel with bed head and its the most adorable and incredibly sexy sight I have ever laid eyes on."

"Why avenging?"

"You talk in your sleep, actually you threaten in my honor. Sebastian to be exact. Did something happen Jace? You said you have done worse yesterday..."

I sigh not wanting to ruin the best night of my life, not wanting to ruin the best and only relationship I will ever have but I will not lie, not to her. "because I have Clary, I killed Sebastian and then I killed a cop." I search her eyes for judgment but I see none.

"You're not disgusted? You don't think I'm a monster?"

"The only monsters are the two you put down Jace. Sebastian was evil, Johnathan told me what he did. You don't get to feel bad for ridding the earth of that scum. I don't feel bad for James and if the law cares well, " she shrugs, "we'll cross that bridge when we come to it but the law can kiss my ass."

"I love you, Clary, so damn much, " I wish I could describe how much I love her but words will never be enough.

"I love you too but don't think this gets you out of our cage match or that I'll go gentle on you. However, I'll tend to your wounds once it's over."

I let out a roar of laughter, " about that, I have an idea."

She looks at me curiously as she runs her hand over my chest, "is it a good idea?"

"How would you feel about Alec taking my place in the ring? I know you wouldn't want to destroy your loving boyfriend's face. You would probably never get over the emotional turmoil that would follow."

"You know, " she says, "when you talk like that it makes me think somehow I could manage, " she laughs playfully nudging my shoulder, " however I think I could manage kicking Alec's ass, in fact, it might be fun."

"That's my girl, " once she agrees it's like weights been lifted off my shoulders. I was consumed for days about how I would get out of that fight but then with everything that happened, it slipped to the back of my mind. For the past three days, I've only concerned myself with finding the love of my life and bringing her home.

Once you lose the most important person in your life nothing else really seems to matter but now I have her back and I'm not laying a finger on her.

I don't care what hoops I have to jump through to make it happen but I will. I'm not too worried about Alec hurting Clary. He's a great fighter but to be honest he'll be lucky to get one shot in on my girl.

"Jace! Open the door!"
Magnus booms from the other side trying to sound intimidating, "I know you can hear me open the door or I'll kick it down."

By the Angel Where stories live. Discover now