Chapter 27

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"Clary, " Maryse says as she wraps her arms around me, " I would absolutely love that, technically I guess that would be Jace's decision but I can only guess what his answer will be. Welcome to our family."

"Thank you so much!" I say letting out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

"No, thank you for making my son happy, I won't soon forget what you're doing for my family Clary Fray, I'm so very sorry for my behavior. I see Morgenstern blood and my instincts aren't very good but you are right Clary, " she says looking at me up and down, " you're no Morgenstern, you're so much more than that man could ever be."

I smile at her, the nerves once overwhelming now lessoning before disappearing altogether. "Thank you and I promise I'll be out of here and out of your hair. I'm going to stay with my father Luke."

She's already shaking her head, " this is the safest place for you right now, if I know Valentine and I think I do, he's going to come after you Clary, he doesn't... Take rejection well. We have security here, I wish you would think of staying."

There's nothing that man takes well.
No one knows that better than me... well maybe my brother. Which reminds me I don't even know his name.
"Do you know my brother's name?"

"Johnathan, " she says, "Johnathan Morgenstern, he was given up for adoption, once he turned ten years old Valentine kidnapped him and took over raising him, the foster home didn't seem to mind."

"All under the pretense that he was a war hero." I finish for her.
I get up to walk to the door as I turn the doorknob her voice sounds from behind me, " Be careful Clary he will come for you, that's why you need to stay here."

She gives me one last hug and with that, I open the door as soon as I do two people fall forward.

Jace and Alec stumble into the room, it takes all my willpower not to burst out in a fit of giggles right there.

Jace starts knocking on the door, "can we come in? I needed to talk to mom, that's why we're here I wasn't eavesdropping, " he says following me out.

"Thought you had to talk to her?"

He grins, "it can wait,"

I shake my head, "you would make a horrible poker player."

"Okay, I was spying but so did you, " he says grinning at me. Okay, he's got me there.

Jace picks me up and throws me into his arms, "what are you doing?" I ask laughing.

"Taking you back to bed, it's much too early to be up, are you going to try and escape from my arms this time?"

I wrap my arms around his neck, "never again."

He nudges open his door and then gently kicks it closed, slipping one hand out from under me to lock it. Then he gently lays me down and curls me into him.

"Johnathan, " I say, the name coming off my lips even feels wrong.

"No, It's Jace, Clary are you forgetting your boyfriend's name? That's hurtful."

I burst out laughing, instantly feeling better, " that's my brother's name."

"So I heard, I just wanted to make you laugh. I had to see that smile again."

"It will always be here when you're around Jace, "

His hands tighten around me, " are you okay?"

"No, but then again I'm not entirely sure I ever was and I managed just fine. Anyway, " I say changing the subject " I'm supposed to meet Simon at the pizzeria today after school."

Jace groans, " I'm not the biggest fan of that guy, he just can't stop hitting on my girlfriend." he says brushing his lips against my forehead.

"He does not! You know you should come with us, maybe once you two bond, you'll see how harmless he is."

Jace chuckles, "to spend more time with you, I would do just about anything, including spending time with someone trying to steal my girl, I won't even punch him."

I laugh as I kiss him on the cheek, "thanks, babe."

"Anything for my girl, " he replies

"Oh, yeah anything? Even being okay with me fighting for Legends of the fall?"

"Okay with it? Clary, I almost did a backflip in the damn hallway, I've wanted you here, just you in general since the day we locked eyes on each other. I need you by my side ember, how would I be anything less than thrilled?"

"Well, I thought if you saw too much of me you might get sick of me, too much amazing can be overwhelming for a person," I add trying to make myself seem a little less pathetic.

"If you keep doubting my feelings for you, Clary Fray I'm going to have to do something crazy just to prove to you otherwise."

"No! I believe you!" I say laughing, after his last gesture I don't think my heart could take another so soon.

"I think we should go back to our spot, " he says, grazing me ear with those soft lips. And I realize I never told him.
Damn it, Fray.
How could I have not told him? In my defense, a lot has happened in the span of just a few hours. I tried to tell him in my bedroom but then, of course, got interrupted by Valentine.

"Jace, there's something I have to tell you."
If he wants me to leave after this I'll understand, I should leave to protect him and his family but I don't think I can, not unless he wants me to. It's selfish to stay, another quality I get from my amazing family tree I suppose.

That's what scares me the most, the similarities between the two of us, my father and I. If I'm like the monster I hate so much will I turn into him? If I'm this much like him now what will I be like in ten years? In twenty? I shake my head to clear away my thoughts, I will never be like him, having similar interests doesn't mean we're anything alike.

Evil is born it isn't created or at least that's what I tell myself to get through the day.
"Yesterday on the rooftop, " I pause trying to find the right words but there is no such thing when you're trying to tell your boyfriend that your father aimed a gun at his chest from miles away, that he can find you anytime he wanted.

"Valentine had a gun pointed at your chest, that's why I had to end our date so suddenly. That's what you're getting yourself into by being with me. Jace, it's not worth it." I said it, the words that may very well send him running, words I will never be able to take back. The nerves once again take over as I wait for his response.

He should send me packing to keep him secure, to keep his family safe from harm but I don't want him to, the last thing in this world I want him to do is to send me away but it's his decision. I had every intention of doing the right thing, staying away from him but then he showed up in my bedroom and I knew it then like I did on that rooftop I can't stay away from him any more than I hope he can stay away from me.

I look at him, meeting those golden eyes, waiting for a reply that might break my heart into a thousand pieces.

Hey ShadowFam thanks for reading!! Love you guys so much! Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts!
Published 3/19/2019

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