Chapter 18

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Jace Pov

I watch Clary walk off hand in hand with Magnus, I can only imagine what she must think. I love my family but the way they're acting makes me ashamed. I feel a new-found respect for Magnus Bane. I'm so sick of hearing about this rival shit. Like some stupid fight is worth more than my happiness. Out of the corner of my eye I see Izzy silently following them, which almost makes me smile... almost.

She's going to ease drop, I think she likes Clary, she just doesn't want to fight with Alec. I mean who would? If there is one thing I know about Alec lightwood he is relentless. His first impressions usually stick which makes me weary. Clary did absolutely nothing wrong but my family acts like she's the fucking villain when in reality she's the hero.

She's been through so much and I hope one day she feels safe enough with me to share all her burdens. I can see the way she carry's it with her every day.

"What the hell were you thinking Jace? You bring a spy into my home? Into our house?" Maryse's words make me furious.

"A spy?" You think Clary wants to spy on us? I think you two are the ones that have lost you ever loving mind. Are you serious right now?" I say furious.

"Think about it Jace, she had no interest in you until she found out you were the leader of Legends of the fall," Alec says.

"Correction," I say through gritted teeth," she was even less interested in me when she found out because I acted like a dick, once I stopped being such an asshole she gave me a chance and you know what? I'm so grateful she did because this is real. Don't stand here and pretend like you know a damn thing about her. You just met her tonight and you," I say as I turn toward Alec," have spoken maybe twenty words to her, all of which were horrible, judgmental and awful. I love you guys, you're my family and you should want me to be happy."

"Oh, Jace we want that more than anything but sweetheart she is our rival, there are over eight million people in New York at least half are women, you can't find someone else? Really Jace there are thousands upon thousands of options," Maryse pleads.

"There's only one of her, there is only one
Clary Fray and I lo... like her so much more than I could ever put into words. So, when I tell you that this is real, I mean it. I'm not breaking up with her because you two think it's a bad idea."

Maryse is speechless for a moment taking my words in consideration. A look of sorrow washes across her face. "You're right." She says," we have no right to tell you how to feel especially because that's all we have ever wanted for you. She can stay here for as long as she needs." She wraps her arms around me hugging me close, "I'm so sorry for my behavior, it was so out of line, it's just ever since Robert died last year times have been rough, our income has been slashed in half leaving only Legends of the fall to sustain us."

I know of our financial status more than anyone and I feel guilty that I might put a strain on my family, but I'll figure out another way.
"It's not your job to provide for this family, its mine and I'm sorry Jace, I'm sure this Clary is as lovely as you describe, she would have to be to hold your attention. I love you my son and despite my recent outburst I am so happy for you and proud of how fiercely you protect her," she pauses for a moment and then rubs her neck, "I have to ask is she okay? Her neck looked..."

I nod my head, "she will be, I'll make sure of it. That's Clary's story to tell if she chooses to do so but I'm going to make sure nothing like that happens again."

She smiles at me, a genuine smile that even reaches her eyes, relief washes over me, she already adores Clary. This conversation has done a complete one eighty and I'm so thankful. I look at Alec who is still scowling. Okay so not a total one eighty but its something. 
"Nice to know, you're falling for her act to mom."
"It's not an act Alec, back off!" Izzy screams as she stomps into the room. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing my ass off. "Everybody can see that except for you. Magnus has known Clary for as long as we have known Jace. What if Magnus had a problem with Jace? What if he continued to insult our brother?"

"That's different," he growls focusing his glare on Izzy.'

"No," Izzy says calmly, "it isn't. How you're acting is disrespectful to our family, it's disrespectful to Magnus and it sure as hell is disrespectful to that fierce warrior in there who is going through her own battles. So, lay the hell off Alec, I love you but you're being a dick."

He sighs in defeat, "I was just trying to protect the family."

"No, you weren't Alec, you were trying to protect our income and I already promised you I would figure something out." I say growing really tired of his attitude.

"Well, forgive me if I don't exactly believe you," he says frowning. I feel at a complete loss with him right now, we have never been so out of sync and I don't know how to fix it other than giving him what he wants which is never going to happen.

"I've never lied to you before nor have I let you down, you should take my word that everything will be okay."

"There's a first time for everything," Alec says quietly as he spins on his heel and walks back to his room.

Aspirated I walk back to the kitchen with Izzy, when I walk in Clary is taking a sip of her cocoa, leaving an adorable chocolate stain on her lip. She's laughing hysterically at something Magnus says and I just look at her in awe for a moment. This is how I want her to be all the time, this happy, twenty-four seven. I will do whatever I have to do to make sure that smile never leaves her beautiful face.

She goes to wipe the stain off her mouth but I'm there in an instant, gently tugging her hand away," let me," I say as I lean down brushing my lips against hers. Then I run my tongue just above her top lip, tasting the chocolate and her.
She pulls away, throwing her hand over her mouth trying and failing not to laugh. It comes out more of a giggle and like everything else about her I love it.

"Thanks Goldilocks," she says as she giggles into her hand again.

"Anytime Ember," I say as the rest of the room melts away. She looks up at me her breath catching as does mine. I'm standing so close her lavender scent wafts over me. I almost lose myself in those eyes, in her scent, in her.

"You guys are so adorable, "Izzy says," breaking me out of my trance.

I extend my hand to Clary and she takes it without hesitation. The touch of her fingertips alone is enough to send a tingling sensation up my arms. "You must be tired,"

"I am," She replies in a way that makes me think she isn't tired at all.
I start to walk hand in hand with Clary towards my bedroom, mentally going over exactly how I left it. I hear Izzy off in the distance, "bow chicka wow wow," I ignore her as I continue walking.

"Can't believe I finally get to see where Jace Wayland sleeps, you know I bet there is at least a hundred hearts that would just break at the thought of me entering this sacred place."

I burst out laughing as I turn the door knob, "I hope it doesn't disappoint you."

"I don't think anything about you ever could," she says quietly, the amount of emotion in those eight words make my heart sore and I can concur. I don't think there is anything in the world that would lesson my feelings for her or anything I wouldn't do to protect her.

Published 3/3/19
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