Part 1

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Myoui Mina's POV

As usual my alarm went off,It's the first day of school and I don't feel like going already,so many fanboys alright,and I always have to deal with them.

So after I got ready and went to our campus,My family has a share on this school,call us royals I don't give a single fuck.

If you have already heard this guy,Who's a playboy,I guess everybody wants him,except me.

"Ouch"I didn't even react I just showed him my usual poker face.

I just walked away not giving a single fuck about that guy,Coz you know I already know who's voice was that.

"Mina!"the voice came from behind I didn't bother to turn around,Coz I know who's voice are coming from.

"Hey Mina don't be such a snob"

"Are we close?"

As I said that,I heard the crowd was saying 'Ooohh'

"Who are you to say that to my brother?"

I got shocked on who said that well I already know I don't give a fuck,even as he got here I heard his fangirls go

"Are you deaf to not hear what I just said?"

"I'm just asking you to repeat whatever the fuck you just said?"

"Come on Chae let's just go we're late"the voice came from Dahyun

"Come on Dubu I can't let her disrespect you infront of everybody like that"

"Let her be,let's just go."

"Tch,be thankful he stopped me or else you'll be kicked out of this school"

"I'm not scared"I just stared at him coldly

Yeah,I know he is hot and all but the personality?


After that they just left,Tch I'm not scared who would be.

Son Chaeyoung's POV

That girl,she's getting on my nerves,she's so annoying,she's hot and pretty and all,I just don't like people like that,lesson learned for people never disrespect a person that is very special to me or you'll be dead.

We went inside our classroom,Btw me and dahyun are like brothers we've known each other since we were 2
His dad and mine are business partners and best friends.

*lunch time*(Yeah I know I'm super lazy

We didn't have classes yet it's because it's the first day of school it's an order by my father.

Yes,My father is the owner of this university he owns alot of companies,he is a billionaire that's why I get what I want.

"Son Chaeyoung!"

I looked over who called me it was Dahyun with Tzuyu

"Over here!"

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