Part 13

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Mina Myoui's POV

I woke up feeling very dizzy dang what's with this head?

I walked out of my bed like a zombie I feel so dizzy what's up with this.

I walked down the stairs and saw..WHAT THE FORK?

It's Chaeyoung what is he doing here?

I walked down the stairs quietly so I don't but my mom saw me.

"Oh Mina's here come join us my dear daughter"She said and motioned me to go to her.

I quickly went to hi-I meant her aish I meant to them.

Chaeyoung looked at me flashing a smile that revealed his dimples.

He immediately got up on his seat and pulled out a chair for me.So I quickly sat down I'm getting even dizzier.

"Mina are you okay?You look pale"He then put his hand on my forehead

"You feel hot you're sick"

"No I'm alright"I said then pat his hand
away from my head

"No you're not"He said and pulled out a plate for me.

"Kids eat up you gotta go to your guys' university"She said and looked at me

"Oh?Nae ttal what happened to you?"(nae ttal means my daughter)

"Imo,she's sick"as soon as he said that I hit him in secret.he just hissed in pain

"You better rest"She said sitting down

"But I gotta go to school I don't wanna miss out on our lessons"I said standing up as I finished my food but suddenly sat down again because I was so dizzy.

"Don't worry I'll take care of it I'll tell my dad bout' it,but for now rest"He said assuring me

"But-"My mom cut me off

"You better listen to Chaeyoung,Mina it's for your own good"I just sighed at that knowing I won't win this argument.

"Aish alright I'll be going upstairs now"I stood up and once again for the second time I sat down again aish I'm so dizzy

"You seem like you can't stand up,need help?"

"Nah I'm good" I stood up almost stumbling but I quickly pull myself together.

This guy was just looking at me oh god what is he pla-WAHHHH

He carried my in bridal style,what is this guy doing and it's right infront of my freaking mother.

"YAH!Put me down"I said hitting his chest and damn it's hard

"No it's better off this way"We continued arguing till' we heard a giggle

"You guys look cute"

"Hehe ajuma-nim can I take care of Mina?"He said and I just brushes my face on his neck because of embarrassment.

She giggled and said"If you can she's hard-headed"

"Of course ajuma"Damn confidence

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