Part 9

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3rd person's POV

Chaeyoung woke up with the sun hitting his face,he stood up from his bed feeling excited

He got ready fast as a light,he then jogged all the way from his room to their garage and rode his BMW i8 and made his way to Mina's house.

As he arrived at Mina's house,he parked not so near to her house because him knowing that his brother Hoseok will be there

He took his phone out of his pocket and texted Mina.

While Mina,she was putting on a light makeup as usual but still outshined others.

She walked down their stairs but before exiting their front door her brother spoke

"Sis where are you going?"Hoseok asked and stood up

"Going to school?"Mina said as she opened the front door

"You aren't joining me?"Mina's brother asked and stood up

"No,Someone's going to fetch me and he's already outside"Mina said not wanting Chaeyoung to wait for a very long time

"Oh and that someone is a he,Chaeyoung isn't it?"That taller one said to Mina while raising a brow at her

"Yeah I'm going now see ya later"Mina said as he closed the door

"She's really hard headed She won't listen to me"Hoseok said to himself and let out a sigh

As Mina walked down the gate she walked to where Chaeyoung parked

And as Chaeyoung saw Mina he drove nearer for her to get in quickly not wanting to be late

He got off and opened the door and Mina mouthed him 'thank you' and he nodded as his reply

Chaeyoung entered to the driver's side and started driving

And as Mina studied his outfit she realized how charming he was with the simple outfit he wore

(A/N:Imagine Chaeyoung wearing this 👇🏻)

She was so astounded with how cool he looked realizing why girls had fallen inlove with him and his charming smile but of course she promised not to fall for him since she knew he was a badboy

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She was so astounded with how cool he looked realizing why girls had fallen inlove with him and his charming smile but of course she promised not to fall for him since she knew he was a badboy

While Chaeyoung he couldn't help but notice Mina looking at him which made him look at her simple outfit but still looked elegant

(Imagine Mina wearing this with sandals 👇🏻)

He then instantly shifted his eyes at the road not wanting Mina to know that he was looking at her

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He then instantly shifted his eyes at the road not wanting Mina to know that he was looking at her

Driving slowly,Chaeyoung finally spoked which broke the silence the filled the both

"Mina let's eat at a nearby cafe at our university is that okay with you?"Chaeyoung said knowing that the both of them are hungry

Mina just nodded as response

As they arrived at the cafe,Chaeyoung acting as a gentleman as he is opened the door for Mina

They instantly found a seat and ordered

But suddenly a girl stood infront of their table

"Hey guys I didn't know you guys were here"The girl spoke but before Chaeyoung meets her eyes she already knew who it was

"Yo sis what are you doing here?"Chaeyoung said

"I was about to eat since you left the house without even telling me luckily I have a car or you'll be in big trouble"Chaeyoung's sister said to him while crossing her arms

"Yo I'm sorry alright I was on a rush"Chaeyoung said scratching his nape

And as he said that the girl averted her gaze to the girl who was sitting with Chaeyoung

"Oh,Unnie-chan you're Hoseok's sister right?"She said before she could bow to Mina she stopped her

"Drop the formality since he's courting you,you should treat me as your owns sister too"Mina said that made the girl shy

"What?Ryujin you didn't tell me he was courting you"He said and cross arms

"Uhh I better go now enjoy your date"Ryujin said and walked away

"What the you better tell me-aish"He said frustrated

"You didn't tell me she was your sister"Mina said raising a brow at him

"And you better tell me what's happening between you and my brother"Mina said pointing her finger at Chaeyoung and sat back


So I didn't put fonts on it I dunno why I still need to fill up my requirements to graduate because I'm graduating sorry for the short ass update I'll update longer next time Nyeongan

To be continued..

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