Part 47

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*Years have passed*

"Who tf gave you the god damn permission to harass this woman?"A angry voice said that could be heard from miles away.

"But-- she was asking for it she was wearing provocative clothes" the man who was harassing the woman a while ago was now feeling so little after being scolded by a certain person.

"Tell me did she ask for it did she say 'oh harass me please I wore this kind of clothes so that you can harass my body', did you say that miss?"He looked over to the girl with furious eyes.

"No sir" The girl was scared.

"See she didn't, now you have three choices" He held the man's collar and pulled him to him, the man was shaking and couldn't make eye contact.

He held out three fingers and giggled but it wasn't a happy giggle it was more like a appalling giggle.

"1.It's either you get your shit together and stop doing these bullcrap, 2. I shall make your life miserable and lastly I should just kill you even if I get kicked out from this school? Which isn't possible"

"Please no sir I've got nowhere else to go--"

"YAH! SON CHAEYOUNG" A voice called out, it is the only voice that can make Chae frightened.

He turned around with now changed aura and had soft eyes.

The man infront of him was confused but what he didn't know was this guy has weakness also.

"Ah eh yes baby?" The penguin walked angrily to the tiger and pinch her waist, Chaeyoung hissed in pain but was able to keep his posture he wasn't done with the man.

"I heard students talking about you fighting that's why I came here and what are you doing to this guy?" Mina glanced at the guy with scary eyes and back to Chaeyoung still with scary eyes she's not going easy with him this time it's the third time this week.

"He was harassing the girl I had to scold him"Mina raised her eyebrows that made Chaeyoung's legs jelly, he finds her hot and scary at the same time.

The dean came and escorted the man and the woman to the office, he sure was gonna get suspended by this act.

"Baby I'm so sorry, I had to stood up for her you know I don't like it when people gets harassed" He was now following the sulking girl from behind.

Mina turned around which stopped Chaeyoung from walking then Mina walked closer to Chae which made him back up.

"Baby~" Mina's voice was now seductive which turned on Chae.

"W-what?"He was scared with this Mina, because he knows what this type of Mina can do.

"I have eyes on everyone and that girl is a slut you got that baby? When I was walking towards your direction she was checking you out you know how I hate that right?"They are now on the janitor's closet.

"I- I didn't know that baby sorry" Mina was leaning against the wall but Chaeyoung was wrapped around her finger and so couldn't do anything Chaeyoung is dominant and yes he has seen this kind of Mina before but nothing like this.

"No touching me for a week, you must learn from your mistakes" Mina said and exited the place with Chaeyoung chasing behind her.

"What did I say? No touching" Mina left with a smirk on her face.

"I didn't even touch her" He scratched his head confused but just walked the other way.

"Haist girls are so confusing"He sighed and walked.

"Oh shit wrong way"


"How's your relationship Chae?"Jeongyeon asked and sipped on his beer, he is prohibited to drink since Nayeon said so but he's hardheaded.

"Mina said no touching for a week" He said and kicked a rock.

You must be confused with what happened since I, the author of this story skipped.

The girls have found out what the guys were hiding they got mad but since they loved them they heard their explanation.

The guys promised to themseleves and to each other never to keep secrets from the girls and to each other.

They have solved their problems and went lowkey with the gang fights but ofcourse they can't avoid that so they lessened it.

Remember when Kai went missing?

He was found in the place where Chaeyoung abducted also he was still alive but his time was running out but before he closed his eyes he gave Chae important informations and closed his eyes and Chaeyoung swore to protect the people that matters to him the most.

Now let's move on from the sad parts because author does not like that.


Voices called out to the no jam bros.

"Uhh Yves and KimLip what are you guys doing here?" Before they could blink both girls were already sitting on their laps.

"Yo stop this shit our girlfriends might see us" both tried to push them away but the two not knowing 14 eyes were watching them



"It's not what it looks like let me explain"Chaeyoung said both in a begging and frightened tone.

Two girls was glaring at them.

Jeongyeon look at Dahyun and Tzuyu with eyes that scream 'Why'd you bring them here?'

And both just gave a 'Sorry bro they asked to come when we're on the way here'

Both just sighed.

"Bye boys we'll get going now" The two women just stared at the other two girls with eyes that can kill.

'Those assholes I'm going to tell Chuu and Jinsoul that they're cheating and let's see who's going to be in trouble now' Chaeyoung thought.

"I--" Chaeyoung tried to speak but then was cut off by Mina.

"Three weeks"He knew he can't fight back so he just sat there pouting which made Mina feel pity but just a little bit since he deserves it anyways.

"Yoo Jeongyeon didn't I tell you to not drink then what are you doing now? And now I caught you having girls sitting on your lap" They know Nayeon is gonna keep scolding Jeongyeon so they just left them there.

"Let's go Jihyo"Before Mina went to Jihyo she glanced at Chaeyoung but wasn't even looking and was busy with his phone. Now she's both jealous and angry.

"You know I like boys too right?" Jihyo said.

"I know just go with the flow."


The End

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