Part 11

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3rd Person's POV

Mina was shocked of what happened,as he saved her for the second time

"C-chae I thought you were busy?"She said as she was still shocked of what happened earlier

"I came to pick you up since it was canceled for a few hours so I came here."the taller one said as he gave something to Mina

"Here,next time be careful when you're going to expose your phone in the public"He said to Mina

"Uhh,thanks and btw I already called our driver to pick me up"Mina said and walked with Chaeyoung

"Alright,take care on the way I'll pick you up tomorrow if that's the case is it alright with you?"Chaeyoung said and looked at Mina who just nodded

Both said their goodbyes to each other

As for Mina who arrived and looked for his brother who was sitting on the living room playing since his dismissal is an hour early.

"Hey bro"Mina said and sat beside his brother

"What is it?"He said eyes on the television

"Is there anything between you and Chaeyoung?"Mina said,Hoseok sat there shocked

"Oh that asshole?"Hoseok said

"Language"Mina said as she glared at him

"Aish,there's things that you didn't know when you weren't here"He said stopping the game

"What is it?"Mina said which Hoseok just let out a sigh

"When you still lived in states,Me and Chaeyoung were best friends I treated him as my own brother,but then the girl I liked,liked him and for me he stole her heart before I could even"He said as he closed his eyes and crossed his arms

"Did he did something to make you 'Really' hate him?"She said emphasizing the word really

"Ask him I don't know I'm not him besides,I already have Ryujin so why bother?"He said as she stood up with her bag

"I'm going upstairs brother."Mina said and went up to her room

Meanwhile for Chaeyoung..

He went to Jeongyeon and his friends to their secret area

"Hey guys"He said and sat beside Dahyun across Miyeon

"How's the plan going?"Jeongyeon asked

"About that"Chaeyoung paused which made the others look at him curious

"Can we cancel the bet?"Chaeyoung said which made the others gasp

Myoui Mina'sPOV

When my brother told me that I was puzzled I knew it wasn't Chaeyoung's fault for the girl to fall for him

I want to ask Chaeyoung badly,but I think he's busy right now so I won't bother him

I now know why Chae knew our house it's because he's been here,and I guess they were really damn close

Aish I'm going to take a bath and sleep this is stressing me

3rd Person's POV

"Guys of course I was kidding what were you guys thinking"Chaeyoung said and let out a chuckle

Miyeon let out a quick sigh which can be only heard by her

"Be honest to us tiger are you falling for that cold woman?"Tzuyu said crossing his arms and sat back

"U-uhm o-of course not"He said which made him think twice


As usual friends Chaeyoung and Hoseok were hanging out like they always use to.

"Chae I'm going to go to the bathroom make sure to win the game"Hoseok said

"Of course I will I'm an expert at this game"Chaeyoung said whigh made the both of them giggle

Chaeyoung heard something that came from Hope's phone

He went to check out of curiosity

As he saw it was just a notification from his social media he didn't mind to open it anyways but one caught his attention

It was Hoseok and a girl which is basically her sister he was always talking about

Once he saw her in the picture he immediately fell for her

People might say it's weird but for a guy like him he thinks it's love at first sight

He immediately left the phone as he heard footsteps

"Aww darn it man you made it loose what happened?"He said as he looked at Chaeyoung who was troubled

"U-uh"Chaeyoung could not let out a sentence he didn't want to know Hoseok that he was looking at his phone

"Anyways, let's just play another game"Hoseok said which maid Chae sigh in relief

End of flashback..

But after their fight they already forgot about each other but Chaeyoung's feelings for Mina never changed he still kept it safe in his heart.


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