Part 37

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Myoui Mina's POV

It's been two hour since Chaeyoung went somewhere and we had no idea where, all of us

He didn't attend two subjects.

Chaeyoung what the hell are you up to?

Yoo Jeongyeon's POV

I'm getting worried bout' my no jam bro.

We planned to go somewhere after school but he's still not showing up.

It's our very last subject this afternoon and he's still not here.

"Alright everyone dismissed"Everyone stood up I turned my body to talk to Tzuyu.

"Bro any news bout' Chae? Have you seen him?"

He shooked his head

"Don't you think he's in danger?" Dahyun spoke

(Damn I didn't even realize I was listening to Bts' danger while writing😂😂)

"He's Chaeyoung, he can take care of himself"Tzuyu stated

"But we will never know what if history repeats itself?"I got nervous about that, what if he's in great danger?

"Let's go look for him"I stood up and rushed out of the room and the two followed behind me.

We ran to our cars and drove to possible places where he could be.

The bar, our secret spot, his unit, every place.

But he wasn't there

I'm getting worried now we need Dark Raven's help.

But before we do that we went to his parents' house.

We rang the doorbell only to be opened by Ryujin.

"Hey Ryujin, have you seen your brother?"She looked at us confused

"What? No, I thought he's always with you?"

"He went somewhere, lunch time he never came back after that"

"Were looking for him"Dahyun helped me explain

"We don't know if he's in danger

"Oh my god, oppa please look for him"

"We will,let's go" I tapped her head before leaving the place.

"Call Taehyung"Tzuyu immediately fished out his phone from his pocket and dialled Taehyung's number

(A/N: I removed some members in DR (Dark Raven) since they're so many)


Yo we need your guys' help"

"Why what's up?"

"Chaeyoung's missing, the whole afternoon, we went to places where he could possibly be but he's not there"

"Alright, I'll tell everyone to go to the base"

He hang up and we rushed to the base.

We went inside the base to see them all gathered up.

"You what happened to the Tiger?"Bobby asked

"He's been gone we need to look for him" I stated and we proceeded to plan.

While planning Kai's phone rang and he went outside to answer it.

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