Part 27

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Myoui Mina's POV

"It's..."Before he could continue someone busted the door open.

"Guys Chaeng!"Jeongyeon shouted

"What about Chaeng?"I asked.

"He's..He's.."He said panting

"He's what?!"I shouted accidentally then covered my mouth then mouthed 'sorry'

"He's awake,Mina you have to go,we'll take care or this"Jeongyeon signed me to go and so I did

I went inside my audi and started driving towards the hospital which wasn't really that far from the station.

I parked my car and saw alot of paparazzi outside probably waiting for one of us.

Luckily I am always prepared and reached for my mask and hat and put it on.

I walked calmly inside the hospital and when I went inside where paparazzi can't go in and see anymore I removed the hat and the mask and went to the room where Chaeyoung was.

I opened the door and there I saw his parents beside the bed.

I went over to them and bowed.

"Oh Mina-ssi"His father called

"Please take care of Chaeyoung for now we will head to the station"I just nodded and bowed once again,after
they left Chaeyoung called me.

"Pengu.."He said softly and I just hummed and looked at him.

"What happened?"I looked at him confused what is he pertaining to?

"What happened after prom or what's happening right now?"I asked

"What's happening right now"

"They catched the culprit"I said then sat on the couch

"What??Really?"He seemed surprise or shocked or what?

"Mhm he won't tell who's the mastermind tho"I looked at him directly at the eyes.

"Can I go there?"He asked and his eyes are begging but I won't let him.

"Son Chaeyoung your shoulder is not okay yet,you need rest"I lend him the water he was reaching for

"Thank you Mina"He smiled showing his teeth and dimples.first time?No..

"Hey btw.."He then fished out something from his pocket

"I saw this in my room I don't know how it got there and it has your name written on the necklace and all"He then stretched his other arm which was his left arm the one that was shot was the right shoulder.

"What am I going to do with that?"I stood up and went to him but still no accepting the necklace.

"I think it's yours"He then put the necklace in my hand and closed my hand.

I look at the necklace and it looks really familiar I think I've seen this before in my dreams?

I held my head it's hurting again..

"Mina-ri"He called me softly

"Yes?"I asked him and he hugged me from the side

"I want to give this to you"He then shows me a necklace

"It's really pretty"I showed him my gummy smile.

"Yes and it's yours"He wore the necklace on me which I helped him by holding my hair.

"You're really pretty I can't get enough"He then said his infamous cheesy lines.

"Yah you're too cheesy"I smacked him softly in the shoulder

"What was that for?"He suddenly pouted which I took the opportunity to kiss him

"Don't pout you look like a monkey"He then stopped pouting and showed me a sad smile

"Hey I was kidding"The sad smile was gone and it's now replaced by a happy smile.

"I love you"He then kissed me in the forehead

"I love you too"I said almost whispering and closed my eyes to savour the moment and his lips letting it linger for a while

I love much

What is this?what is this I'm experiencing?this is hurting me and I don't like the feeling

"Mina are you alright?"He asked me concerned.

"Y-yeah it's doing it again and I'm okay"I said straightforward

"You need water?"He offered a water

"No I'm fine"I showed him and assuring smile that I'm fine.

We've talked and talked not minding the time and I fell into a slumber.

I woke up but then there's no Chaeyoung at the bed..



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