Part 35

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YOI Iᑎᗩ' O

Dizziness greeted me.

I couldn't remember anything from last night.

Wait..What if I did or say something crazy last night.

Oh my gosh..

Whenever I get drunk I do something crazy.. crap

And who took me home?

Aish I need to stop panicking.

Oh crap..

Hopefully I didn't do something weird or what.

Because last time was crazy

I almost died and almost killed an animal.

The poor animal..

(A/N: sorry if I don't do flashbacks or what I feel like you all don't want those things..?"

What I did was..

I jumped into a pool and almost drown myself.

I adored the animal so much that I almost killed it by almost suffocating it and not letting it breathe.

Yeah I hugged it too much.

The animal was safe and I said sorry to the animal afterwards don't worry.

I got up and I almost fell because everything around me was blurry.


Son Chaeyoung's POV

I drove to Mina's house.

I know..

I know that it's going to be awkward.

Because if I don't fetch her, it might be..uh I don't know?

Because I always do that and it's part of my routine.

Wake up early, get ready, eat breakfast, well sometimes.

And then I fetch her.

There's not a time I don't.

Should I pass for today?

I mean..

Come on Chae, act like a man buddy.

I got a little glimpse of her house on the way and I'm nervous already.

Man up

I took a deep breath before stepping out of my car and walked to the front door.

I knocked a couple times..


There's a doorbell and I knocked..

I mentally slapped my forehead.

I'm being more stupid these days.

A couple minutes of waiting and no one is still answering nor opening the door.

 ᎢᎻᎬ ᏴᎬᎢ - MICHAENGWhere stories live. Discover now