Part 24

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Myoui Mina's POV

"Hi"Holy crap my heart almost jumped out because of this guy I almost died I thought he was the guy.

"You scared me"I said and punched him slowly on the shoulder and Chaeyoung just stood there and laugh.

"Pfftt I'm sorry I didn't know what you guys were doing"I stopped punching his shoulder and glared at Chaeyoung behind me and stopped laughing.

"We were looking for the-"Before I could continue my sentence our friends came out of nowhere.

"Yo,MiChaeng you both are tak-Taehyung?!"I just laughed at Nayeon's reaction.

"Waddup crackheads"This guy is trying to act cool literally but I just laughed at the thought.

"Yo we missed you"The boys hugged him and we girls just stood there smiling at them.

"Too tight,too tight"Taehyung said as he suffocated from the hug

"Oops mianhe"The guys let go of the hug and I just stood here laughing at their antics.

"Yo bro how was your love life with hyejin?"his face which was smiling a while ago faded.

"Well,we decided to part ways since our dreams weren't the same"he forced a smile

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked"Dahyun patted his back

"Let's get out of here this place is creeping me out"Sana spoke and walked out of the place

We followed her and Chaeyoung's arm was on Tae's shoulder.

"Hey bro how come you only visited this cool again?"I questioned him

"Was getting busy with stuffs I didn't have the time to visit here"We then sat down our usual spot since our classes are not starting yet

"Don't worry we'll visit you often"I said

I then checked on my phone to see our campus announced something.

"Guys we won't have classes in the next hour"I announced to them and put my phone into my pocket

"Really so it's free time what do we do?"Sana finally spoke

"Wow you finally spoke"Nayeon said teasingly and Sana just rolled her eyes.

"tell some stories about what happened in the past few months I've been gone"Taehyung suggested and we agreed to his idea


"Hey babe"He smiled at me,oh how I love that smile

"Hey"I greeted him as he back hugged me.

He then let go and pulled me to the couch and we sat there as he pulled out soemthing from his pocket.

"Hey my sunshine this is for you"He smiled widely and opened the box I gasped

"Omg it's so pretty"I stated as I look at the necklade

"Yeah it's pretty but as much as you are"I smacked his shoulder softly and chuckled

"Turn around my love"I did what he told me

"It's really pretty"I stated as I hugged him and he hugged me back

"Thank you"I said almost whispering burying my face onto his neck

"You're always welcome"


I suddenly woke up from my dream,woah that felt real and my head is starting to ache again.

"Hey,are you alright?"Chaeyoung concernedly asked me

"Yeah just a dream"I shook my head

"Are you sure?"He assured

"Yes"I replied shortly

What was that?


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