Part 42

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Finally.. after 11 years of waiting I finally have The Son's,son" They all laughed that echoed the whole warehouse.

"What.. do you want?" I asked firmly but weak.

"If I am gonna say what I want, would you give it to me? Hm?"He said playing with the sharp knife on his hands.

"Anything! Just let me go this instant" I said struggling to get out from this rope.

"Nah uh, Do you think I would let you go that easily after what your parents have done to my family?!?"He screamed.

This guy has a mask on but he looks like he's just my age.

"Do you think that after what your family have done to my family right in front of my own damn eyes I would let you go?!? Huh?!?"

"What the hell are you talking about I don't know anything"I said shouting back at him

"Of course you don't know, you and your sister have no idea what my family has gone through" He walked back and forth, can he just stay still? He's making my head hurt he's acting like he's some cool villain.

"Want me to tell you?"Of course I didn't answer like I'm interested.

One of his guys walked to me and kicked me in my stomach.Dang.

"Are you gonna answer or are you gonna answer?!?" I stayed silent until he came up to me and stabbed my shoulder and pulled it out.

"Arghhh" I hissed in pain.

"Whatever I'm gonna tell you anyways"

He said something to the people behind him and I guess he told them to go out, Of course Chae don't be so stupid can't you see they're walking out?

He grabbed a chair and sat on it.

My hands were tied up and I was standing.

"You know what your fmaily did to my family? They shot my parents and my brother who's been in coma for years you know what hurts the most? He forgot about me and he's the only person I got left, before my parents died we struggled financially because your stupid parents decided to not merge business anymore, My dad worked hard and hard and we tried asking for help but no one listened, we barely eat my dad even sold everytjing just to keep us alive my parents almost committed suicide but before they can commmit suicide your stupid parents ordered somebody to kill my parents and right infront of my face we suffered.. now I'll be the one making you guys suffer." He then laughed like a mad man.. wait I think I know who this is.

"I think I know who you are..

You're Kim Hongjoong"

"You guessed it right"


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