Part 15

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

After that scene I drove to our campus and it only took a few minutes.


I better text her when we get there my plans are sued if I fail I can't fail not now.

When we arrived at the campus I reached out for my phone to text Mina.

Mina 🐧

Hey I'm sorry for not
picking you up
Seen 8:42

I can go to school by myself
Do whatever you want
Seen 8:45

How can she be so sassy and mean all of the sudden ,I'm trying my damn best to be nice to her so that my plan won't fail but she's damn testing my patience.

Class doesn't start in an hour I won't even go to class if I want to but Miyeon always tells me to attend my classes so I do.that's how a bad boy fall in love*winks*

I went to the table Miyeon was sitting with she was with a couple of girls probably her friends.Don't know if they're real or not I'm okay if they won't do any harm to my girl well almost

I went to their table and Miyeon looked up and saw me and smiled.God how I love that smile.

(a/n:Mianhe if there's too many moment of them I'll make it up for you guys

I heard so many people whispering mumbling or whatever I'm focused on this angel right here.

"Hello girls"Then someone suddenly hit me in the leg.She's jealous isn't she?

"H-hello"One girl said she had pink hair and short hair

"You're name is?"I asked her

"M-miso"Why is she stuttering it's because I'm known as a bad boy

"Don't worry I won't hurt you,just don't mess with Miyeon"I said as I looked at her and smiled in my surprise she was glaring at me.what's wrong?

"A-alright I better go bow nice meeting you guys"I said almost slipping as I was about to kiss Miyeon but I stopped myself I can't fail.

I'll ask her later why was she like that,are girls always like that mostly they have mood swings that happened to my sister too she only talks to me if she needs something for two days straight.

I was walking and walking wondering where the three guys are so I leaned on one of the lockers and texted them.

But when I look up I saw a figure walking past me I could barely see the face since I could only see her side profile I could tell it's a damn girl.

She had her earphones on.and I just realized it was that cold penguin why is she like that?Why is every girl like that today?

I immediately approached her but she turned away from me and started walking towards the damn gate.

She was walking and walking for eternity and I was just following her calling her trying to catch up to her.

But I suddenly heard a motorcycle coming very close to Mina..

Myoui Mina's POV

I was walking to my class but then I forgot something so I quickly turned to the gate.

I realized someone was following me I could hear him I think it was Chaeyoung.

Sorry I don't have time to talk not now.

I have my earphones on but suddenly I heard a very loud noise it was coming so damn close to me.

But then suddenly someone pulled me into his arms I was very scared so I buried my face in his chest out of fear.

Son Chaeyoung's POV

God she was almost hit by a motorcycle but she didn't care she didn't even move aside she just stayed there luckily I pulled her into my arms and she buried her face in my chest she must've been scared.

I swear I heard a flashing sound somewhere I didn't know where but I didn't care I have to comfort Mina

"Mina you alright"She didn't answer

"Are you okay you look pale"I said as I brought her up

"I-i am"She answered shortly and stuttering

"What were you doing anyways?"She didn't say something again an I keep getting ignored

"Anyways I'll accompany you to where you're going let's go"She walked and I followed her

Then a sudden soynd came from my sound.

S.U News

Is Mina Myoui and Son Chaeyoung dating?
A picture was taken by the parking lot and the Son's only son was hugging Myoui's only child
Could they be a couple?

So that's what the flashing sound I heard a while ago can these people leave us alone,I need to get that deleted before Miyein sees it I don't want her to get jealous once again.Stressful


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