Part 7

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Myoui Mina's POV

Afternoon came and it already was my last subject and I expect that Son Chaeyoung popping out of nowhere

As I expected

"Hey Mina"He said smiling showing his dimples he's very cute I need some time to think if he's really sincere or he is just good at acting

I have trust issues and I don't trust people that easily but him I felt like I already knew him,yes I do but it's like we were close or something,I just think so.

"Are you going home already?"He said and I just nodded

"Can I offer you a ride home?"He said and that made me raise my brow but suddenly realized that he was doing this for idk sake I don't even remember saying that he's my servant.

"Uhh k?"I said not sure

"C'mon,Don't worry I'm not that kind of guy who takes advantage of girls,I respect some okay I promise"Tch he didn't even have to tell me that but I guess it's his way.

"K,You better hold on to your promise"I said coldly

He then nodded and said "I will"he said and took my bag.

While walking to the car I remembered something that the students were talking about.

"Not barging into your personal life but who's Miyeon?"I said which made him widen his eyes a little.

"M-miyeon?" He said stuttering,why is he stuttering?

"Yes,and why are you stuttering are you scared?"I said and raising an eyebrow at him.

"S-she"He said stuttering again,Why are you stuttering Son Chaeyoung?

"Do I really have to answer that?"He reprimanded

"Well you don't have to"Then I started walking faster than him leaving him behind

"Wait!"He shouted and ran after me

"I'll tell you later when we get to the car"He said and walked to his car

We walked over to his car and opened the door for me,I got in and waited for him to get in.

He put the bags on the back first before getting in.

He got in and said"So you wanna know who Miyeon is?"He looked at me

"Yeah I guess"He started driving and uttered words

"Miyeon is my childhood bestfriend I knew her since I was very little and before I got to meet the three"He said while driving

"The three?"I said asking what he was actually pertaining to

"Yoo Jeongyeon,Kim Dahyun, Chou Tzuyu"

He didn't have to say their full name.

"But Miyeon flew to states and we just figured out when I went to their house and the maids told me that she moved somewhere to states"He said with sadness in his voice

"Sorry for asking your personal life"I'm not a fan of saying sorry but for some reason that came out of my mouth

"Nah,it's alright"

"But,I never get to see my other friend that I met when I was a kid in the park"He said

"A friend?"I said confused

I had the kind of same story,I met someone when I was a kid too and it was at the park not very close to our house

"Yeah,I still remember her but I forgot her name"

"Oh,so it's a she"I said and he just nodded

After that silence filled the car and no one dared to speak I just showed him the way to our mansion.

We arrived at our house and before I got out he got out and opened the door for me.

I got out of the car and walked towards the house

"Mina wait!"He said walking up to me


"Can I pick you up tomorrow?"He said and scratched his nape.

"Yeah you can and be early"I said and turned my back on him

"Bye Mina take care"He said and went in his car

He waved to me and drove away.

I went in,I was walking to my room but someone spoke

"Who was that guy pengu?"


So,please wait for me I might not be able to update for days or idk when because this February is jam packed for me I have so many things to do and I just got back from my practice for our school's 50th Anniversary please bare with me.

Anyways hope you enjoyed

Stay tune hehe

To be continued...

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