Part 45

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

I woke up because I felt something liquid in my face.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was in a dark and isolated room.

I touched the liquid in my face and my eyes widened.

It was blood.

What happened?

I don't remember anything.

I don't remember getting in this room.

The things I only remember was getting smacked from behind and suddenly fainting after seeing Mina..


Is she okay?

I hope nothing bad happened to her.

I tried standing or getting up from my position since I was sitting but I was tied up in this chair.

I tried and tried but I fell with the chair on top of me.

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

I was trying to remember what happened until the door creek open.

"Oh you're awake"I recognize that voice..

"Isn't it obvious?" I said answering him even tho my body hurts.

"So you still have the guts to answer me sarcastically even tho you're bruised?"

"I like that spirit Mr. Son, seems like could last a couple of days..? maybe months.. let's just see how far you can take our torturing"

"You're still a fucking demon Kim" Yes, I know who he is, the way that he speaks.

I recognize it.

"I was born this way" then he laughed demonically.

"What the fuck do you want from me.. Jaehyun"

I heard footsteps coming my way and stopped infront of me.

I couldn't really see because I was still lying on the floor.

"What I want from you?"

He went closer to me and whispered.

"The things you own and also.. Your Pretty Girlfriend"

His last sentence made my blood boil.

No one is touching my Mina.. Even if it costs my life I will protect her.

"She's not my girlfriend and I will not let you near her or even breathe the same air as her!" I said with anger visible in my voice.

"In your situation right now? You think you can protect her?"

"Just admit it Son Chaeyoung.. "

"You're a weak pathetic little piece of shit"

"Don't talk about yourself infront of me it's annoying"

He kicked me in the stomach which made me grunt.

Well, I guess he gets annoyed easily.

"You know, when your father killed my father my only goal was to execute your dad..

But when YOU killed my older brother, I just thought of nothing but executing you all and hang your heads in the basement"


WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" I let my anger out to him.

"I was a normal child with goals and with dreams

You Sons destroyed it.."



It was not my fault.. his brother almost raped my sister.. I was angry and he almost killed me too but I shot him first.

He was the first person I killed..

I was traumatized after that.. I was a teen back then I didn't know what I was doing.


I hate it.. I hate going back to the memories.. I don't wanna go back I don't want to.. I hate it so much if only I could erase it from my mind

"You think I would believe you huh?!" He stomped on me.

I don't care.. I'm used to this kind of pain.

He pulled my chair agressively so I could sit upright.

"You know what I'm not even going to make this conversation longer there's no point in talking to you"

As he fled the room I scanned the surrounding to see if I could escape anywhere but it seems like they put barriers even in the small window above.

I guess this is what my life has come to.

I didn't even get to hear Mina say the 3 words to me that's what I wanted to hear from her since I started liking her.

I stared at my lap until I eventually fell asleep.


What was that?


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