Part 32

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I drove to where the bitch could be living.

I suspect that asshole, why? he's α traitor.

I got off my car and slamed the door shut and waked fast to the door where me and the others are prohibited to go here since the owner of this place despise υѕ.

I knocked on the door harshly not minding that there's a doorbell right beside it.

A few seconds later someone opened the door who was very unfamiliar to me.

"Excuse me? Who are you"A man spoke.

"I am looking for Kang Young-hyun"I said firmly

"Sorry sir but may I know your name?"The guy asked, I'm getting impatient here

"I am Chaeyoung get the fuck out of my way"I said the guy was about to speak but someone spoke behind him.

"Drake who's that?"The asshole spoke

I didn't waste any time and went over to him and grabbed him by the collar.

"You piece of shit, admit all the things you've been doing"He looked at me confused, acting innocent now ey?

"What are you talking bout'?"He said with a smirk on his face.

I punched him in the face before saying the word.

The guy named drake was about to go over and stop me but this guy in front of me stopped him.

"Admit it asshole"I was fuming in anger, I can't control my anger anymore.

"What do you want me to admit? admit that I'm more good looking than you?"He still kept the smirk on his face.

I want to punch this guy till' he's knocked out.

"You faggot the death threats you've been sending!!"I was trying to be calm but I lost it.

"Tch, you expect me to send those things?"

"I wouldn't do that..I wouldn't threaten you

Instead I would just kill you with my own hands"That last sentence made me loose the patience remaining in my body.

I attacked him with punches and kicks.

I was about to give him another punch but his men stopped me.

I got out from their grip, they hesitated to let me go and I didn't care.

When I got out from their grip I said my one last sentence before leaving.

"We are not done here Brian"That was my one last blow before exiting this crappy place.

If I found out that he's behind all of these?

I'm not gonna let him get shot.

I'll murder him with this hands, I don't even care if I'll be imprisoned.

He deserves it from all he has done to me and my friends?

It's more than that.

I don't know what's better, murder him with my hands or let him rot in jail.

I decided to calm myself by going to my usual place to clear my mind.

The bar.


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