Part 5

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Myoui Mina's POV

I woke up feeling really tired,my dad said to attend the party as a Myoui like gosh darn it that's tiring.

I got up and went to the bathroom to do my thing.

After I finished showering,I wore my uniform and did light make up because I don't want to look like a hoe.I don't even look like one and never in my life have I dreamt of being a stripper I mean who would?
Anyway moving on.

I went downstairs it was very quiet,well this is new.

I saw my brother eating, that's so new I always see him always holding that controller and playing game early in the morning.

"Hey sis let's eat?"He said and stopped munching on his food and looked at me

"Nah I'm good I'll eat later,but bro this is so new"I said to him and he just glared at me I just laughed a little.

"I'm courting someone so I wanna make a change"I just looked at him with wide eyes surprised

"You're courting someone?!?"I said shouting a little

"Yes and you don't have to shout and either way you'll meet her later on"I said to him and he stood up since he's already done eating.

"Can I atlease know her name?"I said pleading

"It's a secret you'll know I'll introduce you to her later"He said and smirked

"Awww okay"I said and pouted

"Sis don't pout you look ugly"He said teasing me and earned a playful slap on his shoulder which made him laugh

"But seriously I thought you were into guys?"I said teasing him back.revenge yo

"Seriously?"He said and just looked at me blankly

"Chill I was just teasing you"I said and laughed.

"You really like teasing me huh?"He said walking towards me.What is he doing?

"You're weird"I said and giggled

"Am I?"He said and started tickling me like crazy.

I laughed hard tickles are my weakness

"S-stop"I said still laughing

"That's what you get for teasing me"He said still tickling me

"Y-yah, stop bro"I said and he's stil tickling me,He stopped tickling me but I felt something fell from my pocket.uh oh

"Oh,you got a new phone"He said and and took my phone

"Give that back"I stared at him seriously,if he drops my phone I'm gonna pass out my phone is everything to me.

"You have to catch me first"He said and ran away with my phone on his hand.

"JUNG HOSEOK COMEBACK HERE"I said and started running to get my phone from him.

We were running around like little kids until someone came.

"Uhm,sorry to interrupt the moment but we have to go to the University asked by Mr.Hoseok because he ordered me so he could be early"Our butler said,I looked at him and smirked

"Ooo Hoseok is inloveee"I said and he just rolled his eyes

"Hajima"He said

"Boy In Luv"I laughed and snatched my phone from his hand

"Ye,yeah let's go now."He said and picked up his bag walked towards the door

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