Part 2

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Son Chaeyoung's POV

Aftet that fight,I quickly left the scene and acted like nothing happened,I guess nobody saw?

Everybody's acting normal and all tho.

After that I went to Dahyun and Tzuyu.

"Where have you been bro?"Tzuyu looking at me straight in the eye.

"Does it really have to take that long?"said,looking at his phone.

"Uhh,It was something urgent,mind your own business."I said coldly.

"Chill,we were just asking you"he said and looked and started playing with his phone.

"Ye,yeah Tch"I said and just played with my phone.

"Btw,dahyun already told me what his reason was"He said,still playing with his phone.

"What is it?"I tried to sound like I was interested,yeah I am I'm just sleepy alright,it's boring it's so quiet in our secret place,nobody knows this place except for me and for he-Nvm.

"He was about to ask her if she could talk to.. who was it again?"he said and looked at momo,so it wasn't her it was somebody?

Now I'm curious.

"Her name's Momo how do you not know her?"he said asking Tzuyu but still looking at his phone,what the hell?

"Oh,okay btw,He was asking if he could talk to Momo,I guess he's inlove"he said laughing.

Dahyun just punched him playfully

Speaker:ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS,Students you may go home now.

'Jinja? I can sleep now yes!"

'I'm going to the mall I'm bored"

'Let's go'

Upon hearing what the students said I guess they were really excited even I am,because I'm sleepy as fuck.

"Hey guys umm I have to go guys I need some sleep"I said feeling really sleepy

"Are you guys coming too?"I stated again

"Yeah,you're dad told us to come too,our parents will be there"

"I'll go now,see you guys later then"I said and left going to the parking lot.

I drove to my penthouse quickly,I'm sleepy,super sleepy.

After that,I parked my car and got off,I walked to my penthouse and quickly got in,I went up to my room as soon as I got in I layer on the bed,I'm too tired

I was taking off my uniform to be comfortable, I saw that my collar was stained with a little bit of blood.Disgusting

I just put it on the side and drifted to sleep.

I still have to wake up later.Aish

Myoui Mina's POV

After they announced that there's no classes I quickly went home I was about to call our chauffeur,when I saw someone walking to the car park


I think it was him because after the fight I noticed a little blood stain on his collar I was about to tell him but he already went away,and he left his keychain I guess?

It's a cub keychain,It's so cute it kinda looks like Chaeyoung tho

I know him because he's pretty famous not only he's a player but he's a dancer too.

He's a good dancer I won't lie I saw him once because I walked pass the room where he practices.

I was about to give the keychain to him,but he drove away.

Maybe tomorrow.

My dad told me I'm going to meet someone today god knows who,idc I'm bored and sleepy I want to go home

I called our chauffeur,and told him to fetch me already,I didn't bring my car coz I wasn't feeling it I'm too lazy to drive.

When the chauffeur got here I quickly went home and I said to him to drive to my penthouse,he refused because my dad told him to drop me to our mansion

I guess I have no choice but to let them do whatever the fuck they wanted to do.

As soon as we reached our mansion,
Many maids greeted me as usual,I went to my room quickly and layed on the bed but before sleeping I fixed myself
And changed before sleeping so I could sleep comfortably after that I lulled myself to sleep

I have an event to attend later on.


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