Part 28

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Myoui Mina's POV

I'm in so much panic right now,where could that guy be?

I stood up from the couch and was about to go outside when I heard humming for the bathroom.

The bathroom door clicked so I knew the person inside was going out.

"Fancy you~"In my surprise it was Chaeyoung

"Mina-ya where are you going?"He asked me and I took a few steps back.

"U-uh"I couldn't utter words this guy made me panic so much.

"You're leaving?"He questioned me again but I just shook my head because if I spoke I might stutter a lot

"Then what are you doing at the door?"God this guy is so inquisitive is he interviewing me or something?

"Y-yah s-stop asking m-me questions"See?I stuttered AISH!!

"Damn,alright you don't have to shout"He then made his way back to his bed and sat on the bed

"Anyways where are the others?are they still on the station"He asked me while his eyes are focused on his phone.

"I don't know probably yes but it wouldn't take that long right?"He nodded and layed on the bed and hissed probably because of his shoulder.

"Be careful"

"I am"

"No you're not"

"Yes I am

"You just hurted your shoulder earlier"

"And..?"I just hissed in annoyance,this guy is annoying.

"You want something to eat?"I asked him because I was getting hungry I only ate bread.

"I'm fine"I nodded and stood up walking to the door but-

"Where are you going?"

"Uhm..going out to buy food?"This guy has so many questions.

"Okay hihi take care"He giggled like a child a proceeded on playing on his phone,I don't know why I have a crush on him in the first place.

After buying food I just sat on the cafe's table and to be specific I'm seating on a chair not on a table.(a/n:for people who think 2x advance than me😂)

I checked all my social medias but I don't reply to texts,except for the ones I know.

My eyes widened..


So I kept my phone inside my pocket since I left my bag at Chaeyoung's room.

I hope he's not messing with my stuff.

Son Chaeyoung's POV

Hmm.. I'm really curious on what's in her bag..

I want to open it but I changed my mind because there might be tampons there.

(A/N:So I was bored but this wasn't real pov sorry,I promise I don't do drugs😂okay back to the story)

(Yo I was confused with my own story anyways this is Swan's pov)
I explored the place with my eyes and it's really pretty,there's not a lot of people in here which is good because I don't want chaos.

I thought I was imagining things when my eyes landed on something.

It was the guy that's on full black outfit.he's here again

I swear does this guy even change his clothes.Okay but seriously why does he keep appearing out of nowhere.

I stood up and ran to where he was as fast as I can to where he was standing.

When I arrived to where he was standing,He wasn't there anymore but suddenly a hand went over to my mouth then pulled me.

"Bambam?!"I shouted but he put his hand on my mouth and I quickly slap his hand.Eww

"What the hell were you doing?"He asked me

"I followed a guy who kept following me-wait I didn't mean it that way"He just facepalmed because of my explanation.

"A guy who's in a black outfit?"Bambam said so casual-how'd he know?

"How did you know?"I asked him while wiping my mouth,he put his dirty hand on it.YUCKK

"I only know a few things and please stop over reacting,I don't have any disease or something"He then rolled his eyes,this gay-I mean guy

"A few things..?what do you mean?"

"Just..just don't follow the guy if he keeps appearing that path will lead you to your death or whatever"

"That's deep..but okay"I said then walk away.

"Hey aren't you going to say thank you?"He shouted from the back

"You're welcome!"I replied.

Someone's POV

This guy keeps ruining my plan.

I swear you will be the first one to die before I kill the two.

You'll regret on getting on my way.

"Master why did you call me?"

"I want you to..

Kill that assh*le"

"Which assh*le"I said seriously but this servant..

"Which assh*le?what assh*le?"He asked UGH SO MANY QUESTIONS

"Just-just kill Bambam or you'll be the one that I'm going to kill."He nodded and ran away.

If I don't need that servant,I might've killed him sooner.

But I know he's close to one of the people I'm going to kill.


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